Mo, 12/5/2016
2 mile warm-up, 3000m Time Trial in 9:54
* avg. 79.2/400m... 5:14 thru 1600m; 8:32 with 400m to go (82).. ugh. 39 and wet. Not recovered. I was confident, however, but I am just losing too much speed after the mile, or at least I am thinking I am? Will split each 1/4 next time. Avg. 5:16/mi... so maybe I didn't die, I just thought I did. I am dying through 800m. No kick. Will take it. AG 17:09. Perfect.
Tu, 12/6/2016
4 miles easy around Brighton Circle with 367ft in 28:15
We, 12/7/2016
9 mile progression down to Hanover Junction with 325ft in 59:05
* avg. 7:12/mi, HR 144bpm... pretty solid. I had good energy, flowing well, hit some fatigue on the rail trail, but kept going, got onto my short lollipop, made it through the tightening of my right adductor, and finished up well. Need more of this, as always.
Th, 12/8/2016
2 mile warm-up, 6 x 500m increasing pace, increasing rest in 1:41, 1:38, 1:33, 1:30, 1:29, 1:29
* Rec. 1:00-2:00-3:00-4:00-5:00... great workout. Too slow for the first one (wanted 1:36), but it was freezing, 31-degrees and thought I was hitting 76/400m. That 3rd one was way too fast, but felt I got on track, and then got tempted to put on my spikes, but opted to play it safe. Really good work but have a speed governor right now. 
Fr, 12/9/2016
9 miles steady down to Hanover Junction in 1:00:49
* avg. 7:23/mi... felt great. Started out in a lot of darkness and 17-degree windchill, was tough to start, but got going and was rolling nicely, feeling Yuki. Kept it strong up the road and back down, finishing up. Getting easier.
Sa, 12/10/2016
2 mile warm-up, 600-1000-1200m in 1:55, 3:07, 3:52
* rest of 3:30, 4:30... 17-degree windchill.. freezing. Was feeling a bit iffy on the warm-up with three quality days mixed with two hour runs... heck of a week. The 600 was slow. Too much wind on the homestraight and fell off pace. The 1000m was awesome. I hammered and almost hit the 3:05 goal pace. The 1200m was interesting. I was definitely tired. I tried to run hard, once again the final straight wind didn't help me but I had a great final 300m. A lacksadaisical middle but rallied. Did 2 x 100m in the Miler Pro spikes with felt like sandals!! Oh man.
Su, 12/11/2016
10K on snowy trail around Lake Williams with 797ft of gain in 51:17
40 Miles with 1,936ft of Elevation Gain

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