Mo, 12/19/2016
Physical Therapy - Left Calf/Post-Tib
Tu, 12/20/2016
7 miles steady down to the rail trail in 52:12
* avg. 7:23/mi... 15-degrees.. cold.. wasn't worried because Sean did a great job yesterday. Worried about ice, but there was none. Got going, but definitely my legs were in a funk. Just powered through and finished well.
We, 12/21/2016
2 mile warm-up, 3 x 1600m in 5:08, 4:59, 4:57 at Swann Park, 2 mile cool-down
* avg. 5:34, 5:04, 5:21 (rest. 3:00)... awesome park loop. About 0.4 mi, closer to half mile. Turns are a bit tight, but this would be a great loop if we move to Port Covington. Did have some strange calf/Achilles tightness by the middle and end. Not happy with that. Felt it tightening up at night walking to the bathroom, I am sure from damn snow.
Th, 12/22/2016
Physical Therapy on Right Calf
Fr, 12/23/2016
2M+ around the neighborhood (test) in 16:09
Sa, 12/24/2016
5K+ with Perla on the Rail Trail in 22:55
Su, 12/25/2016
11 miles down to Lake Williams from home with 955ft of climb in 1:24:46
* avg. 7:52/mi... got after it with the last 2.5 mi home where I faced major depletion issues, but so glad I got out there in my DS-Trainers to attempt the run. Felt pretty good. Not sure why I had so many issues, but kept pressing. This is the first run of the season to start attacking another ultra year.
30 Miles with 1,427ft of Elevation Gain

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