Mo, 12/26/2016
10km steady down to the Rail Trail in light rain in 45:44
* avg. 7:18/mi... obviously a bit rough, but my calf held up. Started raining on the way back, thankfully didn't turn into ice. Pleased with pace but stopped a lot. + Strength Work
Tu, 12/27/2016
9 miles hilly at Oregon Ridge with 1,073ft of gain in 1:12:21 + 3 x strides
avg. 8:29/mi... heck yeah, this is what I was built for... trails were muddier than anticipated, but it was good running. Looks like the park had some re-routes but I knew if I was feeling good was gonna go for the big CR from Beck. Nailed it. Thought I had the return one, but mistimed the start. Easy climbing all day. Very strong. Wonder if it was from the strength work I've been doing. Great sign.
We, 12/28/2016
1.5 mile regeneration around La Manzana in 11:46
* avg. 8:36/mi... must've been a great effort yesterday.
Th, 12/29/2016
10 miles steady around Lake Williams in the rain and mud with 1,000ft of gain in 1:17:56
* avg. 8:07/mi... lost some time there, about 2 min from not starting my watch after a stretch. No biggie. Felt great. Awesome decision to get after it after the rain. I knew it hadn't rained too much so I headed out to the lake and too my chances. DS-Trainer is great in the mud and trail. Left calf barked at beginning then felt like a million the whole way. Only right glute was tight, but I'll take it.
Fr, 12/30/2016
10km easy down to the Rail Trail in 48:43
* avg. 7:45/mi... geez, wasn't able to recover from my trail run yesterday. Stop and go the whole way. Just nothing. The only positive is that on Wed I was only able to go 2 mi, so I've improved to 10km.
Sa, 12/31/2016
10 mile progression around Lake Williams with 996ft of elevation gain in 1:17:31 + 4 strides
* avg. 7:46/mi... big improvement from Thursday, even though I had no energy this morning for some reason. Just tired. However, was 20" faster per mile, mostly due to a firmer surface. Took a GU at halfway without water. No major issues today. 
Su, 1/1/2017
RVR New Year's Day NEW Trail 8M in 1:04:51
* avg. 8:07/mi.. 1st Place Overall  CR... really nice effort. Went out relaxed on a good climb, took control into the singletrack, then just kept the pedal down just enough, really working on my form because the course was brand new trail that was tremendously cambered. Thought of dropping to one lap (4M), but I knew I could be tough. Finished up with no issues, with some great running in the middle, but my calves/solues are definitely torn up. Great start to 2017.
54 Miles with 4,455ft of Elevation Gain

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