Mo, 12/12/2016
Rest - Allergies
Tu, 12/13/2016
9 miles steady down to Hanover Junction with 375ft of gain in 1:06:20
* avg. 7:16/mi... HR 145.. great morning. Beautiful weather, dry and crisp. Had some right tib weakness, but was running smoothly with power thanks to yesterday's off-day. Gunning for 70-min and just about hit it with over 9 miles of running... good hills. Confidence. Commit. 
We, 12/14/2016
9 miles with 8km steady in 32:43 + 12 x 80m uphill + 4km fast in 16:42
* avg. 6:46/mi... avg. 6:06/mi... HR 156 for both... great work. Started out in darkness, but feeling great for the 8km tempo although I felt I was covering ground much faster. Loved the sensations. Then hit up the uphill strides, which were solid. Switched into my flats for the final blast, with the goal of progressing and not getting into trouble and all was good until I hit the 2 mi mark and my right adductor just locked up again. Stretched it out and finished fine, but need to figure out why that is happening. Great work.
Th, 12/15/2016
7 miles easy in 17-degrees and windy to the rail trail in 55:45
* avg. 7:45/mi. HR 146 ... man, that workout took a lot out of me and it didn't help that it was 
Fr, 12/16/2016
7 miles easy in 12-degrees/0-degree windchill to the rail trail in 49:00
* avg. 7:21/mi... HR 146.. damn, same as yesterday, but much faster pace and felt 100 x's better. Only issue is that I am still depleted. Haven't been eating breakfast and need to eat breakfast again. Anyway, very pleased with dedication. Dentist appointment today. 
Sa, 12/17/2016
6 miles in the new Salomon S-Lab Speedcross at Lake Williams with 728ft of climb in 59:27
* 2-inches of snow.. 16-degrees, wet... now that was fun!! I was really working and really running. Using all of my muscles and really grabbing and gripping. No concerns on shoes after I got used to them and warmed-up! 
Su, 12/18/2016
5 miles around the Lake with 541ft of gain in 43:03
* Big mistake. Should've have gone to the trails. My left calf almost strained. Ugh. Finished up. Will get treatment.
45 Miles with 2,772ft of Elevation Gain

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