Mo, 2/20/2017
AM: 7 miles down to Nixon Park with 531ft of gain in 54:06
PM: 3 miles on the Rail Trail in 23:21
* avg. 7:32/mi... morning run was awesome Felt strong and picked out a new course and hit up Nixon Park for some trail work, setting a CR on a nice climb. Finished up really well. Afternoon run was a different story. Totally sucked. Stop and go, running crooked. Saw Krebs out there and got depressed. Need to figure this out.
Tu, 2/21/2017
12K down to Nixon Park with 554ft of gain in 56:32
* avg. 7:40/mi... definitely tired. Calves wrecked. Not great, but at least I was fluid and got in some good work at Nixon Park and then headed home. Definitely building strength but need to stay healthy.
We, 2/22/2017
2 mi warm-up, 5 x 500m in 1:36, 1:38, 1:35, 1:37, 1:30 (rec. 90")
* avg. 76"/400m... didn't have much time, but opted to run 5 x 500m + 5 x 200m, but didn't have time. Felt great. Goal was 80's and I was 76" at the start and just kept rolling. Closed in 72" pace and was really pleased opening up.
Th, 2/23/2017
5 mile "circuits fried" recovery around the Inner Harbor in 36:58
* avg. 7:28/mi... had PT yesterday with a Glute Med Circuit which re-wired me again. Had nothing. Couldn't run. Stopped about 20 times. Crazy how my body was re-wired. Debated running in the PM but might as well rest.
Fr, 2/24/2017
20 min down to Mile 12, 6km uphill tempo home in 23:49
* avg. 6:42/mi... 42:25 total time... my right hammy was a bit tight from last night's commute home. Not happy with that. Then right VMO tightened up, but I was feeling night and day better than yesterday. Hammered it good. CR on Uphill. Really rolling towards the end. Happy with this.
Sa, 2/25/2017
10+ miles at Pocahontas State Park in Virginia with 302ft of gain in 1:11:17
* avg. 7:03/mi... damn. 65-degrees. Beautiful park. Reminded me of Huntsville. I could really kill it out here. Not a great run, however, my right hip flexor and glute med is dysfunctional, causing my right adductor to malfunction. Need to work this all out, but after one loop, I said, why not? and ran two. Felt great otherwise.
Su, 2/26/2017
14 mile progression at Pocahontas State Park with 343ft of gain in 1:35:23
* avg. 7:00/mi... hell yeah. A bit beat up in my post-tib and adductor, but heck yeah. Started out to run the big Fendley Station Lane loop, but as soon as I hit the river, I opted to turn around and fulfill my real dream - an assault on the Bright Hope Trail as the end of my progression. Pretty impressed with my fitness. Wasn't falling apart, depletion wise, and was able to keep up some great energy. Fought through some bad patches but was really pleased. Good finish.
58 Miles with 2,093ft of Elevation Gain

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