Mo, 6/8/2015
7 miles easy out to Nixon Park with 604ft of gain in 54:21
* Obviously am fit. Just need to work on my right piriformis/glute/hip strengthening, as it is still weak. A couple more days of drills and I should be ready. Am 50/50 on Laurel Highlands. On one hand, want the CR, on the other don't want set-backs.
Tu, 6/9/2015
11 miles easy out around Lake Redman with 1,014ft of gain in 1:23:22
* Well, I still have this damn stomach bug. Nothing is absorbing. Anyway, really tired today, no energy, although I started rolling really well on my altered course. Getting excited for LH, big opening 8 miles and then run steady home.
We, 6/10/2015
9 mile in-and-out fartlek around Lake Williams with 908ft of elevation gain in 1:02:31
* Pleasantly surprised. Started off a bit slow, but got after it. Attacked the uphills and downhills. Really powered this run, feeling great. Some tightness I worked through, but the last one was my strongest. Felt great, light and fast. Alright.
Th, 6/11/2015
7 miles easy down to Nixon Park with 609ft of elevation gain in 54:03
* Was nervous about my right post-tib, but felt great. Little tweaks, form is great, but got pretty tired at 20-min or so and just had a solid run. Good foot placement and everything feeling a go. Just wondering if I would benefit from more climbing.
Fr, 6/12/2015
3 miles easy down the Greenway with 140ft of gain in 22:53
* Cut the run short to prepare for tomorrow. Felt pretty tired and just wanted to have no excuses for tomorrow's effort. Looking to go to the 20 mile check point as my year's longest run. Should have some good climbing, good power.
Sa, 6/13/2015
Laurel Highlands 19.6M with 4,368ft of elevation gain in 2:51:21
* Whoa. What a course. I am not in the right mentality to conquer such a course. I just want to run hard up all climbs and bomb down all descents. This course needs patience and just chugging away at the miles. Absolutely hated the damn mile markers since the trail is so slow (rocky and muddy). Way too slick for m preference, but got in some great climbing. Horrible mindset from the gun. Wanted to drop after the work was done at 8M, but kept strong to finish up.
Su, 6/14/2015
6 miles easy down the Greenway to Nixon Park with 233ft of gain in 39:47
* Amazing. Was it the Salmon Sandwich? Was it taking the girls to 7 Springs all day after the race? Was it crushing 12 miles then chilling the next 8? No idea, but I was full of run and ran tremendously well the day after 3hrs and 4000+ft!!
63 Miles with 7,867ft of Elevation Gain

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