Mo, 6/15/2015
8 miles steady around Lake Williams and Joppa Rd with 927ft of gain in 1:02:42
* Woke up exhausted. 4:45AM. Tired. Rain storms. But once I got going I felt light and fast and felt pretty solid. Some aches and pains got me worried, but I extended the run and then cut it short. Wanted 14 minimum, but saved it. Should've run it.
Tu, 6/16/2015
9 miles with 7 mi In-and-Out at Rockburn Branch Loop with 632ft of gain in 51:59
* 1mi warm-up in 9:07, 1.1 mi loops in 6:28-8:20-6:25-9:08-6:35r-10:21r-6:32, 1mi in 8:03... definitely strong. Muddy and slick so a little conservative, but hammered best I could. Thought I would set CR, but well off. Got faster though, good strength.
We, 6/17/2015
6 miles of recovery at the Greenway with 290ft of climb in 46:02
* Pretty darn tired. Tons of rain. Ran in the rain and warmed-up well, flowing nicely. My left post-tib is tight, need to see Lacey. Gotta be from yesterday's twists and turns. Felt good, though, solid 40+ minutes of running after only wanting to go 20 min.
Th, 6/18/2015
1 mi Tired
Fr, 6/19/2015
10 miles hammering the Greenway and around Lake Williams with 1,000ft of climb in 1:12:16
* Freaking awesome. Was in serious pain (R. Post-Tib) the first couple of steps, then left was twitchy, but warmed up and kept hammering a good pace. Good aggression. Last night dbl btl whites with Perla got after it. Great run, need more of this effort.
Sa, 6/20/2015
9 mile Colonel Denning Drill with 2,159ft of gain in 1:19:29
* 1 mi hard to Cider Path Trailhead at sub-5:40/mi pace; steady ascent up Cider Path, steady backside and down Flat Rock (3m total); tried to hammer around car for 1 mi; then steady up Flat Rock, backside and Cedar Path (3mi total); hammer home sub-5:00/mi pace. Awesome workout. Continuous hard effort. Found my sweet spot of 15K of work. Great.
Su, 6/21/2015
3 miles at the Greenway for Father's Day with 151ft of gain in 23:37
* Father's Day... pretty tired from yesterday's workout, so opted not to hit up a long run and save the effort. Pretty tired, some tightness in my right hip/glute. Will keep working on it, Still feeling light and smooth. 
46 Miles with 5,325ft of Elevation Gain

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