Mo, 6/22/2015
11 miles w/ 5M in 37:35 + 5 x 300m in 53-53-53-53-51 + 5M in 39:28 & 1,028ft in 1:24:05
* Awesome. Really opened up. Pretty creative on the workout, starting to feel like I was losing power and fitness, but proved otherwise rolling fastest pace of the year hitting 4:36/mi.. may transition to speed after Europe/Asia trip.
Tu, 6/23/2015
6 miles stressed out with 827ft of elevation gain at Patapsco in 1hr
* Two-fold... a bit fatigued from yesterday's great effort, but more importantly, got pulled into a Henry Mtg and then sent on a wild goose chase... looks like Eugene is not in the plans. Wow, how the tides turn so quickly in business.
We, 6/24/2015
3 miles on the Greenway in 20:35 + 4 x 800/300 Drill in 2:47/65, 2:43/63, 2:38/61, 2:31/59
* Awesome workout. Much improved from the last time, which was dead similar except I was able to cut down the last set quite strongly. Feeling great. Need to stay focused and keep working. Don't think I'll be as ripped up after this as last time.
Th, 6/25/2015
7 miles easy around Lake Williams and on the Dam with 653ft of gain in 48:59
* Felt a bit tired from yesterday, so the 10 miles was out the window and in came 40-60 min, my standard recovery. Ran well around the lake and then nice and relaxed on the flats of the dam. Good run, need to recover.
Fr, 6/26/2015
5 miles easy down the Greenway to Nixon Park with 247ft of gain in 37:09
* Felt like i was jogging and ran a pretty decent time on this route. Nice and relaxed, just starting to visualize the race and the game-plan. Good sensations, a bit humid, going to be good tomorrow.
Sa, 6/27/2015
US SkyRunning Series VK - Whiteface VK with 3,155ft of elevation gain in 40:55
* 4th Place Overall... started out well behind Lipsey, Gray, and DeGraw... caught up to Lipsey, with DeGraw leading, then ran stride for stride with Joe for a while before going slightly after DeGraw. Caught and passed DeGraw, only to have him pass me back on a tangent, Joe and I rallied, then Joe pulled away, chasing Art. I was running very well, but the last 800m was pure power-hiking and Tristan Williams caught me, then slightly gapped me and held it. Good effort. Learned a lot.
Su, 6/28/2015
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
40 Miles with 6,470ft of Elevation Gain Report

WhiteFace SkyMarathon – Wilmington, New York

The first race of the 2015 U.S. Skyrunner Series Sky division, the 19.3-mile race with 9,500 feet of elevation gain, took place on Whiteface Mountain, a popular ski area, high in the Adirondacks, and upset finishes marked both the men’s and women’s races.
First, in Saturday’s Vertical K, which gained 3,300 feet over 2.5 miles, Joe Gray ran 38 minutes for a first-place finish.Arthur Degraw and Gabriel Rodriguez followed in 39 and 40 minutes. (Posted results do not denote seconds.)Stevie Kremer outclimbed Kasie Enman in the women’s class, 42 minutes to 46. Helene Michaux was third in 52 minutes.
And in Sunday’s main event, the Skymarathon, Tom Owens, of the U.K., and Tofol Castanyer, of Spain, gave the race some international flair with 3:31 and 3:35 first- and second-place finishes. Tristan Williams matched his Vertical K finish with another third. He ran 3:41, just ahead of fourth-place Joe Gray, who was racing for the sixth time in the last four weeks.
Kasie Enman and Stevie Kremer finished together at the front of the women’s race in 4:33, closing with a good-natured chest bump, and Sarah Keyes was a close third in 4:39.

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