Mo, 6/29/2015
12 miles out and around Mont Royal with 1,627ft of elevation gain in 1:28:25
* What a great park. I could definitely live/train in Montreal with this park. Great paths and millions of trails, so much variation. Great climb to the summit and then some great downhill. Plan was 8-14 mi, great motivation, felt solid. Good energy.
Tu, 6/30/2015
5 mi in 36:18, 6 x 400m uphill in 74-73-70-67-63-67, 3 mi easy with 1,312ft of gain in 1:28:00
* Original workout was 9 x 300m uphill (3 easy, 3 med, 3 hard), but wanted this CR that had 14,443 attempts, #1 in Montreal, an uphill 400m sprint. And so, I tried to figure out where it starts/stops and just hammered. Felt fast. Good work.
We, 7/1/2015
6 miles easy but progressing to steady with a Mount Royal ascent with 899ft of gain in 46:02
* Definitely fatigued from last night's FIFA Women's World Cup Semi-Final USA (2) vs Germany (0), but got out there on Canada Day in the rainy gloom to make a summit and I got going and really started running well. Depleted on downhill.
Th, 7/2/2015
10 mile Oregon Drill with 1M hard in 5:05, 8M in 1:00:17, 1M in 5:12 w/ 914ft in 1:13:20
* Bittersweet. Legs were light and powerful. But my left post-tib was cranky. Really concerned me, but kept at it. Had so much power on all the uphills, a great sign, but the downhills kept twitching the post-tib. Definitely need to see Lacey before Europe.
Fr, 7/3/2015
12 miles easy around Lake Redman with 1,385ft of gain in 1:43:02
* Starting to believe... hit up a medium-long run around the lakes, knowing it would be over-grown and wet with the fog, but I toughed it out feeling quite fluid and smooth. Post-tib was better, may need my strap, but finished up strongly.
Sa, 7/4/2015
11 mile fartlek with 4 mile trail, then 40:00 of 1:20 easy, :40 fast with 553ft of gain in 1:26:55
* Drove out to Gifford Pinchot State Park for a loop around the lake to mix it up. Poor decision in the rain, as the course was an absolute mud-fest. There was only some good running, had some good fartlek, and lost energy at the end. Good 3 days.
Su, 7/5/2015
4 mile tempo in 23:11, rec. 1', Up Hardwood 14% in 1:34 w/ 333ft of gain in 32:54
* Not sure what to run today, and changed my mind on my taper, etc. Opted to hit a 5m tempo hard, finishing up Hardwood. I figured that would recruit some muscles I haven't recruited. Had a great tempo, but fell apart last 800m, had to recover 1-min, then hammered up Hardwood. Dream world would be all continuous and power up Hardwood.
67 Miles with 7,018ft of Elevation Gain

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