4+ Miles in 29'01"
An excellent run today. I am continually shaving off time from my 30' course, as yesterday I ran an awkardly fast 26' loop in stifling heat. Today, I ran the exact loop and was able to add an extra loop and still finish under 30'! I am improving well. There is still some residual pain in my adductor, but whereas in the past the pain had progressed worse as the run went on, the pain now dissipates as I continue. So, in my mind, I am healing and getting better. I am still well out of shape, not really weight-wise, but cardiovascularly.
For example, here is the summary of my week, all run on the same @4 mile loop in Heritage Park:
I am actually going to aim for a 45' run at the Seabrook Trails with Chad on Saturday, and I may venture to 1h on Sunday so I can get on my proposed scheduled build-up for 2007 Houston.
For example, here is the summary of my week, all run on the same @4 mile loop in Heritage Park:
Mon, 28'11"
Tue, 27'59"
Wed, 27'06"
Thu, 26'38"
I am actually going to aim for a 45' run at the Seabrook Trails with Chad on Saturday, and I may venture to 1h on Sunday so I can get on my proposed scheduled build-up for 2007 Houston.