
Tuesday, 9-12-2006
1h for 9.5 Miles on Allen Parkway

Holy cow. After spending close to an hour in traffic, I lined up for my traditional up-tempo run on Allen Parkway. I had a good night of sleep and was feeling ready to run, although my legs have still been a bit achy. I started out easily, feeling pretty good and passing through 2 miles in 14' or so. Another minute later I began my up-tempo that would last for 45' and hopefully take me two times around the 4.75 mile hilly loop. I was rolling nicely by 20-25' but soon realized that I was going to struggle a little. Passed through the loop in 31'. Promising and only 7" slower than last time, but more importantly, over 30' faster than last Tuesday. However, within 10' I was getting wasted. I stopped to stretch and then kept going, finally stopping again to stretch and realizing that I was having a tough time getting started again. My breathing was heavy and my legs were fried. I finished the run with some tightness in my adductor, but more importantly, I was completely drained. Absolutely fried, passing 9.5 miles in 58'58".

Looking back, this was easily one of the worst running morning's, temperature wise, all summer. The dew point was a nasty 72, while the temperature was 80-degrees and 80% humidity. I was running in a sauna and swallowing water. Horrendous conditions, but I am glad I toughed it out. Solid effort that I will hopefully improve upon on Thursday. Until then, I'm pressing on..

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