Rhythm in the Woods

Sunday, 9-10-2006
1h30' for almost 14 Miles in Huntsville State Park

Made a late-call decision with Chad to repeat last week and head up to Huntsville. Last week was such a great run that we wanted to replicate the effort. However, there had been rain the forecast, so we were afraid of a muddy trail, but when we got there we knew we were in for some good conditions, as the trails did not receive any rain.

Started out in a good rhythm and before I knew it the clocked had turned 45. I finished climbing the hill that I was running, took a leak, and then headed back to retrace my steps. I was definitely a bit more fatigued this time around, as I had been covering more ground, but I pressed on at a solid pace, dealing with the fatigue and hills and terrain the best I could. Got to the car with a couple of minutes to spare and ran around the parking lot until I hit 1h30'. Once again, only real tightness in the groin towards the very end of the run.

Saturday, 9-09-2006
57'43" Progression for 9 Miles in Clear Lake

Woke up early and decided to hit the USA Space City 10M loop, which is close to home so I could spend the morning with my family. Was figuring I could make 10 miles in 1h for my workout, but man, was I wrong.

The goal of the workout was 20' at 6'05" pace, 20' at 5'50" pace, and the final 20' at 5'35" pace. Ha, like that was going to happen. I hit my amazing first mile in 7'! Hit two miles in 13'57" and knew that it was going to be a long morning. Soon realized I hated running this loop, as it is so crowned, which is not good for my adductor. After 20 minutes I really tried picking it up, but to not much avail, having to stop and stretch a bit. Attacked the final 20' in bursts, at times feeling like I was flying and running fluid although I was only running 6' pace and not 5'35" pace at all.

The sky opened and it started pouring down rain, so I called it a day before 1h and drove home quite bummed. However, I have had a long, good week of training, so I will take whatever effort I can get.

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