Sick & Tired

Tuesday, 9-05-2006
1h01'10" for 9.5 Miles (2 Loops) around Allen Parkway consisting of a
15' warm-up + 45' up-tempo running

Ugh.. woke up barely able to even swallow and with a mild fever. Madelyn has been sick with a bad cough and a runny nose, but finally, with the stress of work and training, my body has broken down. Did not want to get out of bed today, but at 5:30 AM I awoke and started my day.

The goal of this run was a 15' warm-up followed by 45' at 5'45-5'55" pace. I chose to complete this run on Allen Parkway's hilly 4.75 mile loop, as I figured I would hit 9.5 miles in an hour. I was close..

If I was a battery, I would have needed to have been replaced prior to this run. My energy level was just above a three-day old sprayed cockroach in the garage... just nervous twitchings were any sign that I was alive. I needed to be in bed.. Anyhow, I headed off on the course feeling quite crappy, loving that I made it harder on myself running on Allen Parkway other than the completely flat, dirt Memorial Park trail. But, I would be out there for 90' tomorrow anyway, so Allen Parkway would do..

Hit about 2 miles in 15' and then picked up the pace to what I considered was "up-tempo" and it was. Immediately I was impressed with how well my left leg felt- it felt healthy! I was running very smoothly, although not too quickly, and attacked the hills well. I passed through the complete 4.75 mile loop in 31'30" or so and right away set the goal of completing the entire course in under 1h. However, it was not to be. I ran my second loop in 29'40" (6'15" pace), even though I felt just as strong as on the first loop. The entire run, including the 2 mile, 15' warm-up, averaged out to 6'05" pace, so I was pleased.

I will repeat this run on Thursday, so maybe I can duck under 60'. We shall see... and hopefully my health will improve!

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