Mo, 11/28/2016
5 mile aborted long run due to poisoning in 36:08
Tu, 11/29/2016
5km steady ad-lib around Inner Harbor in 20:23 + 6 x 80m Uphill
* avg. 6:31/mi... well, traffic messed up my workout. Was scheduled for a 7 mi progression, but after 2hrs in traffic cut it down to 5km with strides. Totally sucks, but the run was solid, was really moving. 7:01-6:21-6:11... not bad and really hammered the uphills, all-out.
We, 11/30/2016
1.5 mi warm-up, 3 x 1200m in 3:46, 3:41, 3:46 (rec. 6:00)
* avg. 74/400m.. pretty stoked. Was 50-degrees and foggy/wet. Didn't have much energy on the warm-up thanks to yesterday's "tempo", but got after it on the first one knowing it was going to be easy. Goal was 3 x 1200m in 3:44. Hit 2:30 at 800m and finished up. Then just relaxed and attacked #2 on instinct and was blown away by a 3:41. Very promising. #3 was tough. Thought I could replicate 3:41, but never really rolled or fell apart and hit another 3:46. Not a bad workout. Take it and go.
Th, 12/1/2016
12km progression moderate to fast down the the Rail Trail in 51:06
* avg. 6:51/mi... dang, pretty solid. Kept to my philosophy of running hard. HR avg. 150bpm. Just gotta go harder each day. Had some weakness in my right glute med, but other than that, was really rolling well. 6:41, 6:37, 6:25 final three miles. Good work. Good sensations.
Fr, 12/2/2016
3 miles easy on the Rail Trail in 22:31
* avg. 7:29/mi - 139bpm.. felt tired, like I am getting sick, but otherwise smooth. My left post-tib was achy and tight, but I got work on it yesterday. Ready for what tomorrow brings.
Sa, 12/3/2016
Christmas Dash for Cash 5K, 17:09
Su, 12/4/2016
3 mile recovery on the trail in 25:35
30 Miles with 1,217ft of Elevation Gain

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