Mo, 11/21/2016
8 miles steady around Seven Valleys with 612ft of gain and 40mph winds in 56:21
* avg. 7:13/mi.. just awesome. Every step was fluid and powerful. I had tons of energy. Gonna chalk it up to that rare flat iron steak. Amazing. Was able to hammer and probably would've extended if not for the 40mph winds. 
Tu, 11/22/2016
Warm-up, 3 x 500m/500m slow/fast with 1:00/4:00 rec. in 1:38/1:29, 1:37/1:29, 1:37/1:29
* 33-degrees and windy. Loved this workout. Goal was 76s and 70s. Hit 77s and 71s. Will notch it up to the wind and the awkwardness of 500m starting points and not being able to see my watch. Really cool in the "slow" 500s ended up feeling like a jog, yet still near 5:00/mi pace. 
We, 11/23/2016
8+ miles steady down to Hanover Junction in 1:01:25
* avg. 7:29/mi... 289ft of elevation, really felt good at the start and the deteriorated into some slow running on the rail trail from depletion, but came around and finished up well. Pleased with the dedication. Great weather.
Th, 11/24/2016
York YMCA Turkey Trot 5K, 16:52
* avg. 5:29/mi... AG 16:12... 12th Place Overall, 1st in 35-39... horrible race. I thought I started out great. Running smoothly, but then my left quad started to tighten (thank to Perla's AM session) and I started rigging up and losing power when I should have been powering through the field. Passed a lot of guys but never really got going until it was too late. A great last half mile, but that was it. 50-seconds slower than 2014. Ugh.
Fr, 11/25/2016
8 mile recovery with Perla on the Rail Trail in 1:00:06
* avg. 7:54/mi.. nice and easy with Perla. Probably should've only gone 40-min as I was shutting down towards the end, but a good step forward. Confused at 16:52, but will keep trucking.
Sa, 11/26/2016
5 miles easy around Lake Williams with 537ft of gain in 39:08
* avg. 7:45/mi... felt really good other than my right glute med. Kept it easy and smooth. A couple of adjustments, but I'm in better physical shape than last year where my hamstring was torn up. We shall see what the day brings.
Su, 11/27/2016
Gluten Poisoning
40 Miles with 1,768ft of Elevation Gain

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