Mo, 11/7/2016
AM: 6 miles steady on the Rail Trail in 40:47
* avg. 6:51/mi... no way. I swear I was running 6:00/mi pace. I wonder if this trail is just messed up. Was absolutely rolling. 34-degrees. First morning of daylight. Flat doesn't mess with my strained right glute, but left post-tib iffy.
PM: Physical Therapy
Tu, 11/8/2016
7 miles falling apart down to the Rail Trail in 46:15
* avg. 7:20/mi.. plan was 2hrs. I quickly realized I must have gone harder than I thought yesterday. Good news is that although I was falling apart, I still averaged a pretty stout time. 
We, 11/9/2016
2 mile warm-up, 10 x 400m in 74-73-74-73-73-74-74-74-74-73 (rec. 1')
* avg. 73"... at YC Track.. 50-degrees and rainy. Ran in my HyperSpeeds.. felt great out there. However, got tired after #4 or #5 and really had to focus to get these done. Goal was 2 x (10 x 400m), but that's  Mosop workouts and I said I would be mini-Mosop.
Th, 11/10/2016
6 miles steady out to Brand House in 42:53
* avg. 7:08/mi.. quads were pretty ripped up from the quarters and so I made the call to only go 6 mi and not 1hr. Need to start creeping up my mileage again. Otherwise, pretty good. Right hip was tight, felt like I was running crooked, but tried to stretch and fix it. Nice pace.
Fr, 11/11/2016
7 miles steady down to the Rail Trail in 45:49
* avg. 7:16/mi... still have fatigue in the quads, kept thinking about how all my runs in Miami were avg. 158+ HR and I just don't get up there in training anymore unless a hard run. Tried to keep it honest. Left post-tib behaved, as did my right hip which finally loosened up in the final mile or so. 
Sa, 11/12/2016
Twisted Turkey Trail Tussle 15K in 1:07:07 CR
* avg. 7:14/mi... 1,493ft of elevation gain.. 1st Place Overall.. started out in 2nd place, there was a pretty good runner in the field, but he was very precise in his footstrikes, so by half mile, I took the lead and pressed him. He ran well up the first uphill and I was a bit concerned because it appeared he could climb, but then on the first descent I gapped him quickly... that was when I realized I could press on unpressed. I am not a good descender and to be able to get a gap on a downhill gave me confidence. I  was running really well throughout the back half of the course, just waiting for that big Gettysburg Hill up Bakers Knob. I crushed it, and realized I didn't have a huge lead (full lollipop on 2nd) and started downhill. I really thought my strength would be the last lollipop 5K, but by then my left hamstring/adductor was fatigued and no longer working. I had to stop a few times to stretch and work it out. I was a mess. I was falling apart. Could I hold on for the win? Turns out I did, and 2nd ran 1:10:30 or so. Oh, I had to break my window to get my shoes/etc., because I locked them in the car. Crazy morning. 3 x Champion. Most ever single race in my career.
Su, 11/13/2016
3 mile regeneration with Perla on the Rail Trail in 20:00
44 Miles with 2,579ft of Elevation Gain

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