Mo, 12/28/2015
AM: 3 miles easy down the Greenway with 137ft of gain in 21:04
PM: Physical Therapy on Left Glute
Tu, 12/29/2015
5 miles steady on the Greenway with 218ft of gain in 30:13
* Great work by Jerod. Issue is the left glute and glute med. Just pretty flared up. Still rotated on that side, so he got me back quickly, then worked the area and dry-needled with some stim. Pretty active, but felt immediate release. Step forward, so today's run was healthiest of the year. Going to be interesting to start fat burning at some point.
We, 12/30/2015
6 miles easy on the Greenway with 289ft of gain in 40:33
* Definite improvement. No soreness, now just the typical right leg seize up at halfway. Was feeling weak from the start, need to keep tinkering. Otherwise a pretty strong run on a pretty easy effort. Good work, now off to Boston.
Th, 12/31/2015
6 miles easy with Perla at the Charles River in Boston + 5 Strides in 42:15
* Great run with Perla on the streets of Boston for Jessica's wedding. Ran the Charles River, then headed down Boylston to the Finish Line and Boston bombing sites and where I was standing. Finished with 5 strides, left hip/oblique/psoas still an issue.
Fr, 1/1/2016
6 miles easy on the Charles River in 38:47
* Perhaps would have been best to run in the afternoon, as it was miserable fatigue from lack of sleep and being on my feet all night. Ugh. Ugly run, but got it in and turned out there was no way to run in the afternoon as we drove straight to PA.
Sa, 1/2/2016
6 miles on the Greenway with 4 x 1:00 after 32:00 with 323ft of gain in 40:34
* Interesting run. Started out still tired from the drive and NYE activities and at halfway was like, I suck. Just feeling out of shape, but after the third 1' pick-up, I got a surge of energy and finished up well. Felt strong, waking up. 85% healthy.
Su, 1/3/2016
10 mile long run heading down the Greenway and around Lake Redman with 871ft in 1:15:24
* 14:35 to the trail, 40:30 around the Lake, 14:00 back up the Greenway. Yesterday afternoon hit a small circuit of leg jumps, so that left me quite sore and dead-legged, but the run was smooth down the trail, smooth around the lake, and only really hit some trouble on the concrete heading out of Nixon Park where I felt the psoas tired. However, I had an amazing last 10-min on the trail hammering home and running down to sub-5:30/mi pace.
42 Miles with 1,827ft of Elevation Gain

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