Mo, 12/7/2015
5 miles easy on the Greenway with 197ft of gain in 40:11
* Pretty surprised. Felt really good up until the turnaround the day after a 3hr effort, and then felt great the last 5 minutes adding on. Feeling very positive and upbeat. Good stuff. Very cold this morning. 22-degrees.
Tu, 12/8/2015
6 miles sputtering around Lake Williams with 706ft of climbing in 46:36
* Man, I was all pumped to get after this run as a mini-tempo, as yesterday was pure recovery and I got in some great treatment on my calves and adductor. However, within minutes I noticed I just didn't have anything. Nada. Empty gas tank. All that resting, no wine, resulting in a no energy run. I just don't get it. Wasn't happy with my adductor. I know it's fine, but after dry-needling yesterday, it felt so relaxed to the point of "loose" and weak. Need it to get normal again. 
We, 12/9/2015
12 miles with 20' easy, 3 x 90" uphill, 40' Lake Williams, 3 x 90" uphill, 20' easy in 1:34:55
* 1,374ft of elevation gain. Started off in the dark with a headlamp, feeling good. The first set of uphills was sloppy in the darkness, but I got warmed-up, working well. Hit up the lake and the run went really well until the back half where I lost all my energy (still fighting depletion from long run), but then got going again, working well. 2nd set of uphill was very solid, great energy, strong power and then had a great cool-down until my right glute gave out. Good work.
Th, 12/10/2015
12 miles with 4 x 5:00 (1,3 flat - 2,4 uphill), rec. 3:00 at the Rail Trail with 658ft in 1:26:18
* 3 miles down in 22:00, then hit up 6:20/mi pace for the first rep feeling good but very dark in fog/headlamp. The hit 5:37/mi GAP on the uphill, feeling strong (left adductor is amazing). 6:01 for the third one with some downhill and flat; then 5:47/mi GAP on the final one with a stop of my right adductor/glute, which I will get fixed. Solid run back home in the mist and darkness. Great work and great back-to-back days of running.
Fr, 12/11/2015
6 miles steady at Lake Williams+ with 704ft of elevation gain in 44:50
* Absolutely nailed this run. This is what I train for - great form, great control, great power and energy. Ran this route perfectly, very pleased with sensations. 
Sa, 12/12/2015
6 miles steady around Lake Williams with 5 x 30/30" to finish with 543ft of gain in 41:34
* Great run. Strongest and healthiest/fittest I have felt in quite some time. Really rolled this course, no weak moments and then finished up with some great flowing 30" pick-ups on the dam. 
Su, 12/13/2015
20 miles steady at the Lakes, finishing up with 4 x 1:00 / 1:00 after 2:15 with 2,159ft in 2:31:19
* Absolutely amazing. Started out saying I'd never eat shrimp again the night before, as I was a bit lethargic after two of my best runs of the season on Friday and Saturday. Then, I suddenly felt full of strength and had enough time to run an extra lap, as I was just powering!! But then started my 1 min pick-ups and strained my left hip on the second one, bringing my great run to a crashing halt. Agghh! This always happens whenever you think you're invincible. Minimized the damage and finished up the run. 55-degrees. Just brilliant running, totally fittest I have been crushed 2.5 hours!
68 Miles with 6,329ft of Elevation Gain

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