Mo, 12/21/2015
6 miles steady on the Greenway with 192ft of gain in 39:20
* Just about what I expected. Felt really good, just some minor soreness, but no pain and no fatigue/giving out. Smart decision to rest the weekend, but now hoping the worst is past and can continue training. Will follow Kevin's guidelines- if I feel it walking, I will not run.
Tu, 12/22/2015
We, 12/23/2015
3 miles steady and crisp on the Greenway with 140ft of gain in 21:03
* Felt really good. Yesterday's day off helped alot, spoke to HO, and then decided to back off and just run 20-min this week to reset the strained glute med. Didn't have any pain. Legs felt light but a tad weak on fitness. Rolling.
Th, 12/24/2015
4 miles steady down the Greenway with 164ft of gain in 23:48
* Well, I am not capable of running short distances. I just turn them into tempos, which is great. I love the feeling of a smooth, powerful run. Took it easy and just rolled, keeping my form as best as possible. No breakdowns no soreness other than left calf.
Fr, 12/25/2015
7 miles easy around Lake Williams from Nixon Park with 673ft of gain in 57:24
* Well, that was stupid. My coach said "run 20-25 min, then continue to walk until 60 min" and so I said, nah, I'll just run for the full 60 min. And, of course, after 20 min, my hip was pretty flared up, but I pressed on and finished it up. Oh well, had to find out.
Sa, 12/26/2015
5 miles steady on the Greenway with 191ft of gain in 27:14
* Damn. Another good day of running. Was worried after yesterday's stupidity, but I felt great out there. No slowing down, great stride, great endurance, much improved pace. All systems go. Need to stay on the Greenway for a week.
Su, 12/27/2015
6 mile long run on the NCR at Feedom to Bentley Springs with 191ft gain in 39:53
* Maybe I should have run on the Greenway. Wanted a long run of at least 8 miles, just to test the hip, started out feeling great, effortless, but by the turnaround, I was crashing. Seriously, no wine last night. Every time I don't have a glass of wine with dinner, my run is messed up. At least that's one theory. Today it was my right hamstring/adductor. Oh well, yesterday was a stress effort so probably should have controlled myself more. Glute was crankier than in past. 
31 Miles with 1,524ft of Elevation Gain

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