Mo, 8/31/2015
3.5 mi warm-up in 25:39, then 20 x 1:00 fast, 1:00 easy on the Dam in 1:03:00
* Great dedication. Warmed-up in the darkness, then hit the dam. Went through phases of Allyson Felix and LaShawn Merritt. Nice and strong, was getting faster as the workout progressed as I was running out of trail. Very pleased, good work.
Tu, 9/1/2015
7 mile recovery out to Nixon Park with 602ft of gain in 1:00:29
* Pretty beat up from yesterday's workout. Lateral quads are sore and tight, but that's a good sign that I am working harder in my workouts. Not pleased that I am not recovering better, and will look into doubles post-RUT.
We, 9/2/2015
6 miles easy around Lake Williams with 637ft of gain in 45:52
* Taper time. Still feel lethargic and legs aren't under me, but no worries. Another easy day tomorrow and then I just need to prepare mentally for an all-out assault. Rickey Gates will be there. Art DeGraw. Interestingly, JoGeezi isn't lining up in the VK. Will be a battle for Top 5. 
Th, 9/3/2015
4 miles easy down the Greenway with 178ft of gain in 30:49
* Finally felt right. Legs were back, nice and easy. Long day of travel today, as I type from SLC Airport. Looks like I won't get in until 2-3AM EST, thankfully there is an afternoon start and I can sleep in tomorrow. No respect from the pundits. 
Fr, 9/4/2015
* Absolute worst race of my career. I landed at 3AM and almost fell asleep driving to the hotel, which was an hour away. Tried to get some sleep, then tried to eat something, then got to the race, and I knew I was in trouble during the warm-up as my HR was through the roof. It never came down, never relaxed. I went out with the leaders, but that only lasted 5-6 min after challenging Remi Bonnet for the lead because my head thought differently than my body. Walked the rest of the 2 miles to the top, stopping to sit and relax on the ridge to Lone Peak because I was done. Passed by everyone.
Sa, 9/5/2015
10 miles running RUT 25K reverse with 2,154ft of climbing in 1:19:28 + 10 x :15 uphill
* Now this was a legit run. Topped out at over 8,600ft, had energy the whole way, climbing legs the whole way. Took down Sage CR and Kilian by almost 2-sec. Looks like all I needed was the proper rest. What a waste yesterday was, but this run truly proved my fitness. Rolled 7:31/mi GAP for the run, but it was the feeling that I was so fit and no issues. The uphill strides were awesome. No issues, full of life. Perhaps will re-think the season goals after this one. Should've raced 25K.
Su, 9/6/2015

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