Mo, 8/17/2015
9 mile progression on Rail Trail with 133ft of gain in 1:01:30
* 7:26 > 6:12/mi pace nice and controlled. Felt much better than Saturday's effort and ran much faster and less interrupted. Interesting how my lower back muscles fatigue so quickly due to posture. Need to work on this. Fartlek tomorrow.
Tu, 8/18/2015
Sales Meeting
We, 8/19/2015
9 miles total with 2 miles easy, then 7 miles hard on trails with 1,153ft of gain in 48:11
* Was ready to run. Surprisingly, my breathing was out of wack, but I kept pushing, feeling really fresh. Hit 2 miles solid and then took off as best I can. Hit the lake in a reverse CR, then hit Joppa Rd climb twice, running faster on the 2nd one. 
Th, 8/20/2015
9 miles steady in the rain down to Nixon Park with 640ft of gain in 1:10:02
* Great dedication. Started out in pouring rain, but just opted to get to Nixon Park for recovery. Ran easy and steady, feeling pretty good, but feeling yesterday's effort, which was great. Added on my final 2 miles, a great sign of motivation.
Fr, 8/21/2015
9 miles easy out-and-back around Lake Williams with 1,034ft of gain in 1:11:06
* Pretty interesting. I was just jogging and yet was running as fast as yesterday on more technical terrain. Brain wanted to stop at 5M, but once again, my body was just warming up and put in some good work for the full 9M. Tomorrow will be interesting.
Sa, 8/22/2015
Diamond 5K+ in 16:54, then 5 x 1:00 fast, 2:00 easy on soccer fields
* 5:08, 10:24 [5:16], 15:54 [5:30], 5:15.. avg. 5:22/mi... well, Perla got in around midnight from her girl's night out and so there went plans for the  Dam Scramble. I woke up wanting to race. Wanting to compete, and so I scrubbed all the race sites at 7AM, finally finding one that I could make the starting line in time. Left the house to air balloons, hit the highway with exotics (Lambos, Ferraris), got to the race, warmed-up, and powered through a pretty comfortable hybrid 5K around Northeastern Middle  School. It was a good challenging course, right up my strengths, and I was strong throughout. Then hit my fartlek which was going to be 5 x 1', 5 x 2', 4 x 1', but the grass was way soft so cut it short. 
Su, 8/23/2015
8 miles steady out to Nixon Park with 747ft of elevation gain in 58:23
* Great energy, great smoothness. Awesome sensations post yesterday's race and workout. I was so full of running and kept it moderate throughout. A little tightness in the calves and left glute, but a great run, finishing up Water St. Beautiful morning.
50 Miles with 3,878ft of Elevation Gain

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