Mo, 8/10/2015
4 miles regeneration down to Nixon Park with 192ft of gain in 33:43
* To be expected. Fatigued, but felt great the first 10 min. Definitely fitter than I think. Right hamstring was not an issue, was in my CompresSport. I could do a workout tomorrow but am angling for 8 mi moderate, then workout on Wed.
Tu, 8/11/2015
8 miles steady around Lake Williams out-and-back with 956ft of gain in 1:00:16
* Great energy, great strength, great run. Rainy conditions, but got out there and powered through a really good run. Went by so fast. Hoping the pace was quicker, but 7:06/mi GAP on 1000ft of climb is solid given the circumstances. 
We, 8/12/2015
3 miles, 2 x 600m (r. 2') + 2 x 400m (r. 90") + 2 x 300m (r. 90") + 600/400/800m (r. 90")
* 1:57, 1:54, 73, 74, 53, 54, 1:52, 72, 2:27... 4' between first two sets, then 6' rest. Didn't feel great. Sluggish on my warm-up, my cavles a bit beat up from dry needling, but I laced up my Apollos and started off with no goal pace in mind. Hit out 75s from the gun and worked from there. Very strong finish. Great sign and indicator. Very promising. A bit sore.
Th, 8/13/2015
11 miles steady around Lake Williams twice with 1,247ft of climbing in 1:23:12
* Pretty damn tired. Legs were fatigued from yesterday, hoping they'd be fresher due to fitness, but my mind wanted to stop after one loop, but my body was like, "I'm just warming up" and negative-split the lake pretty strongly. Good finish.
Fr, 8/14/2015
7 mi with 4 mi easy in 31:29, then 5 km of 10 x 1' fast, 1' easy on the Greenway in 21:15
* Pretty tired. Long days at work catching up with me. Wanted 4 mi, then 10 x 1' + 10 x 2', but called it after the first set on a beautiful morning, as I just had too many aches and pains and didn't wan to risk anything. Ran well, but had nothing.
Sa, 8/15/2015
9 mile progression at the Rail Trail with 199ft of gain in 1:00:38
* Just crazy. Yes, I had a workout yesterday. Yes, I was just chilling. Yes, I hate flat roads. But, man, I was cruising and expecting to see 6:30s and saw 7:00 to finish up. Points of sprinting on the progression yielding nothing. Just don't have the positioning and muscles for flat-land running. World on my weaknesses, not my strengths. Go-forward.
Su, 8/16/2015
9 miles moderate at Colonel Denning State Park with 2,163ft of gain in 1:20:16
* Wow. Goal was three steady laps on my circuit, so I started out relaxed and comfortable, climbing easily up Cider Path and controlled on the backside fire road. I had a great descent down Flat Rock, working my quads well, then had a really good transition back up Flat Rock and a great fire road imitating Kilian with powerful push-off that worked well. Finished up with the tricky Cider Path descent and a great road section. Tons of energy and bouncy, so called it a day. Nice.
55 Miles with 5,161ft of Elevation Gain

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