Mo, 7/13/2015
13 mile Matterhorn Ascent with 6,160 ft of climbing in 2:37:22
* Over 3h05' of total time out there. Absolutely epic. My only wish was that it was a clear morning, as the Matterhorn was covered in some ominous clouds. I also didn't trust the trail and got lost the first 15-min, but then figured it out. Got to the Hornlihutte in under 2hrs and then was in the midst of helicopter craziness and didn't figure out if I could climb. My right groin/adductor fried from driving started giving me issues, so I opted to scam the Matterhorn Express and then sprinted sub-6:00/mi pace to make my hotel check-out on time. Amazing experience. What Kilian does is awesome.
Tu, 7/14/2015
6 mile fartlek in the hallways of the Prague Airport in 40:12
* How about a vote for best airport in the world? For 12 Euros, I was able to rent out a room in between the A/B Terminals with a shower and was able to run up and down the hallway, fartlek-style, to the Czech's amazement. Nice.
We, 7/15/2015
Travel to Seoul, South Korea
Th, 7/16/2015
9 miles of the Namsam Loop & Trails in Seoul, PRK with 1,499ft of elevation gain in 1:09:29
* Pretty well-rested. Didn't sleep much, but was off my feet in a resting position. Anyway, that Namsam Loop is a 9/10 for difficulty. Great rolling hills. Wasn't expecting that.. then some nice technical trails and downhill, great finish. Right hip.
Fr, 7/17/2015
5 mile fartlek on Namsam Loop of 5 x 800-300 Drill with 907ft of climbing in 33:21
* 5:00 warm-up, 2:22-46, 2:21-58, 2:01-53, 2:36-53, 2:31... holy crap.. what a run. No sleep, 1:30AM conference call, woke up late, only had 30 min to run, had no energy, but once I got running fast, the effort was effortless. Could run fast forever. Whoa.
Sa, 7/18/2015
5 miles in the late afternoon with a Namsam Tower summit w/ 917ft of gain in 44:27
* Late night last night with dinner and post-dinner in Seoul. Pretty fun, slept in, started running at 2PM and felt great. So light on my feet. Was supposed to be recovery but was feeling so good decided to head up the tower and a decent effort. Nice.
Su, 7/19/2015
13 mile long run with 2.5 loops of Namsam with 2,409ft of gain in 1:33:11
* Absolutely longest road run in over a year. Felt great. Just rolling, relaxed in the rain of Seoul. Tons of serious runners out there (45-55yr) and the hills were relentless. Kept a good clip, very steady, but quickly realized my weakness and just was not going to be able to hit three loops of Namsam. Opted for 2.5 and the last 2 miles were a battle with my muscles to stay strong and firing. The right side is the weak side. Need to strengthen and run more road work.
51 Miles with 11,880ft of Elevation Gain**
13 mile Matterhorn Ascent with 6,160 ft of climbing in 2:37:22
* Over 3h05' of total time out there. Absolutely epic. My only wish was that it was a clear morning, as the Matterhorn was covered in some ominous clouds. I also didn't trust the trail and got lost the first 15-min, but then figured it out. Got to the Hornlihutte in under 2hrs and then was in the midst of helicopter craziness and didn't figure out if I could climb. My right groin/adductor fried from driving started giving me issues, so I opted to scam the Matterhorn Express and then sprinted sub-6:00/mi pace to make my hotel check-out on time. Amazing experience. What Kilian does is awesome.
Tu, 7/14/2015
6 mile fartlek in the hallways of the Prague Airport in 40:12
* How about a vote for best airport in the world? For 12 Euros, I was able to rent out a room in between the A/B Terminals with a shower and was able to run up and down the hallway, fartlek-style, to the Czech's amazement. Nice.
We, 7/15/2015
Travel to Seoul, South Korea
Th, 7/16/2015
9 miles of the Namsam Loop & Trails in Seoul, PRK with 1,499ft of elevation gain in 1:09:29
* Pretty well-rested. Didn't sleep much, but was off my feet in a resting position. Anyway, that Namsam Loop is a 9/10 for difficulty. Great rolling hills. Wasn't expecting that.. then some nice technical trails and downhill, great finish. Right hip.
Fr, 7/17/2015
5 mile fartlek on Namsam Loop of 5 x 800-300 Drill with 907ft of climbing in 33:21
* 5:00 warm-up, 2:22-46, 2:21-58, 2:01-53, 2:36-53, 2:31... holy crap.. what a run. No sleep, 1:30AM conference call, woke up late, only had 30 min to run, had no energy, but once I got running fast, the effort was effortless. Could run fast forever. Whoa.
Sa, 7/18/2015
5 miles in the late afternoon with a Namsam Tower summit w/ 917ft of gain in 44:27
* Late night last night with dinner and post-dinner in Seoul. Pretty fun, slept in, started running at 2PM and felt great. So light on my feet. Was supposed to be recovery but was feeling so good decided to head up the tower and a decent effort. Nice.
Su, 7/19/2015
13 mile long run with 2.5 loops of Namsam with 2,409ft of gain in 1:33:11
* Absolutely longest road run in over a year. Felt great. Just rolling, relaxed in the rain of Seoul. Tons of serious runners out there (45-55yr) and the hills were relentless. Kept a good clip, very steady, but quickly realized my weakness and just was not going to be able to hit three loops of Namsam. Opted for 2.5 and the last 2 miles were a battle with my muscles to stay strong and firing. The right side is the weak side. Need to strengthen and run more road work.
51 Miles with 11,880ft of Elevation Gain**