Mo, 7/20/2015
5 mile fartlek with Namsam Tower Summit and 839ft of gain in 42:55
* Pretty awesome. My last run in Seoul and opted to take down the last great CR on Namsam, the tower climb from the east entrance. 1.1 mile at 6% grade, I hit 4:50 GAP totally crushed it, but totally worked over, then ruined the rest of my fartlek.
Tu, 7/21/2015
7 miles tired along the Keelong River in Taipei with 113ft of climb in 50:17
* First run in Taipei and opted to hit up the river closest to me to get off hills, as my left post-tib is just tight from yesterday. Pretty damn humid at 87 and 74 dew point. Nice river, all flat, like Miami/Houston. Felt smooth, fast.
We, 7/22/2015
6 mile fartlek on the Keelong River with 187ft of climb in 43:35
* Warm-up to the River, then started some :40 fast, 1:20 recovery along the river, got sidetracked climbing bridges and then picked it back up again. Left post-tib still tight and then in the final mile, my right ankle/post-tib fired up. Getting tired. Pretty nasty humidity and smog today. Rough out there.
Th, 7/23/2015
Work & Rest
Fr, 7/24/2015
3 miles in Taipei, 2 x 1 Mile in 5:17, 5:18 + 4 x 600m in 1:51, 1:50, 1:50, 1:46 in 1hr
* Wow. Pretty tired waking up from last night, but got out there. Legs felt good, no big pains so day off helped. Couldn't find local track, didn't want to jump fence of other track, so opted for the Keelong River and hammered best I could. After the first mile, I thought no way... 90-degrees, 80% humidity, 75 dewpoint. Adjusted on the fly and ran hard 600s. Fast.
Sa, 7/25/2015
4 mile hill in SeaTac with 548ft of gain in 23:22
* Total dedication. Flight was at 8:10AM, wanted 40 min, but soon realized I had to check in my luggage and didn't want to risk missing the 1hr cut-off. So, I  hit up 20+ minutes of a great hill looking for a river trail. Good effort in the AM.
Su, 7/26/2015
10 miles jet-lagged around Lake Redman with 1,251ft of gain in 1:21:30
* Had to run later as my Garmin was pretty much dead and had to charge it up. It was hot, and I ran during my fall asleep time (yesterday I crashed at 2-3PM), and the whole couldn't focus, I was like a zombie. So glad I did it, though, as it was quite effortless. Going to be good getting back into a routine and getting after it. Settled on Canova XC and Marathon.
40 Miles with 2,999ft of Elevation Gain

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