Mo, 7/27/2015
10 mile progression around Lake Williams with 1,230ft of gain in 1:15:00
* Awesome run and dedication. A bit nervous, as it absolutely stormed last night, but trails held up. I was climbing easily, ran into some fatigue and malfunction, but finished up strongly. Not ready for a long effort, but running well.
Tu, 7/28/2015
7 miles steady out to Nixon Park with 604ft of climb in 53:05
* Felt pretty good today. Light, strong, bouncy. Good downhill running as well. Finished up strongly with only minor depletion issues. Right IT band and left post-tib are only concern spots, but all good. Debating the Lost Turkey.
We, 7/29/2015
Lake Williams Tempo in 32:40 + 10 x 300m in 54, 52, 52, 51, 51, 50, 51, 50, 50, 49
* Awesome workout. Floated the tempo, just feeling so strong and powerful, although a little slow in the turnover department. But then rolled 4:40/mi pace in the 300s quite effortlessly, just going through the mechanics. Good stuff.
Th, 7/30/2015
7 mile recovery out to Nixon Park with 592ft of elevation gain in 57:23
* Recovery day. Much needed. Controlled the pace, ran efficiently with no issues. However, there were these crazy kamikaze deer flies that would attack me relentlessly. Tons of bites on my back and one chewed through my calf sleeve! Whoa!
Fr, 7/31/2015
10 miles easy around the Lakes with 1,142ft of elevation gain in 1:15:38
* Nice and easy. Didn't have much pop today, more than likely DOMS from Wednesday's solid workout. Anyhow, went to extend the last 1.5 miles, and it ended up 2 crappy backwood miles in which I got raked by branches and thorns. Oh well.
Sa, 8/1/2015
On the Rocks Trail 15K in 1:08:51 (course record, 1:09:40 - 2013)
* 1,391ft of Elevation Gain - Madelyn came out with me and we warmed up for 2 miles on the course. It was getting hot (94 by finish) and wasn't feeling great, but then I took it out way too hard and got myself in trouble with my left hamstring/glute, which was just tight and weak from miles 3-7 or so, then finally it loosened up and I started working it well. Really thought I was going to miss the CR, as the course was taking forever. I felt like there was no way we were running the same course, since we were running reverse of 2014 when I ran the 30K. Great improvement in pace, however. 8:07/mi for the 30K in 2014; 7:23/mi this year for the 15K. 6:57/mi GAP. Great improvement. Need strength.
Su, 8/2/2015
11 miles on the Appalachian Trail with 1,035ft of climbing in 1:37:20
* Drove out to Pine Grove Furnace with the family for a day in the lake. Prior to starting, I told my wife that I would probably not run, as I was feeling tired. Hit the road running 9:30/mi, but as soon as I hit the trail, I felt so relaxed and comfortable, I kept going. Hit up Sunset Rocks, which was really fun, then descended and then made some logistical mistakes, leaving me lost and running around in circles while bonking hard. Oh well, got in the mileage I targeted, just not the experience.
65 Miles with 6,650ft of Elevation Gain

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