Mo, 6/1/2015
5 mile regeneration run with 209ft of elevation gain in 39:57
* Was pleasantly surprised after feeling so sore with DOMS post-race. Sunday I could barely walk down stairs. Feels like I gained 5lbs of muscle in my teardrop and quads. Ran out of energy by 4 miles, but then a great last mile. Woke up exhausted.
Tu, 6/2/2015
7 miles still recovering down to Nixon Park with 598ft of gain in 56:13
* Still checking. Left quad definitely still sore while descending. Interesting pains in right calf. Rainy morning, but it was nice. Trails held up well, finished up strongly, but right hip/hamstring still tight. Definitely still depleted, not ready.
We, 6/3/2015
15 miles steady around Lake Redman & Willams with 1,836ft of gain in 2:08:24
* Hell yeah. Am back at it. Great dedication. Some slow running due to the trail conditions (over-grown, blowdowns), but I had great energy at times and very fluid. Ran out of energy towards the end, crawling, but that's training! Nice.
Th, 6/4/2015
5 miles at Oregon Ridge with 653ft of gain in 43:24
* I had to run in the PM once again due to meetings. I misremembered the segment on the backside and thought it was only 3:00 long, but in fact, it was 6:30 and so I shut it off after 3 min, would have crushed it. Am climbing great. Tired.
Fr, 6/5/2015
7 miles steady around the lakes with 851ft of gain in 53:57
* Great run. Was tired, crappy weather, but I set off strongly around the lake at a good pace with good energy and circled Lake Williams solidly. Feeling very light and climbing is not an issue. Hit Joppa Rd for a good climb and then finished up dead-on.
Sa, 6/6/2015
5 mile up-tempo warm-up in 34:31 + 4 x 1M on HCTC in 5:24, 5:25, 5:23, 5:11, rec. 400m
* Got out for my workout, and had a stomach bug. Had to make several runs to the bathroom, so called it a day. By 10AM, after breakfast, was feeling better to attempt. My 5M warm-up was light on effort due to weakness and chills, but I convinced myself to go for 4 x 1M instead of 6 x 1M. First rep solid, second rep tightness in right quad; third one said it would get better and rolled. Last one was awesome. Full flow. I could have done the six if I wasn't concerned about quad. 
Su, 6/7/2015
13 mile long run out at Rocky Ridge with 1,625ft of elevation gain in 1:46:37
* Nice and easy. Wanted two big loops around Rocky Ridge, but couldn't figure out the perimeter on the first one (doubted myself). Had good sections, but right quad/piriformis just weak and need to work on it. No descending. 
62 Miles with 6,211ft of Elevation Gain

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