Mo, 5/18/2015
1 mile shake-out on the Greenway with 45ft of climb in 9:53
* Will save it for tomorrow. A bit too fatigued from yesterday's effort means zero quality today. Felt like staying home with the girls and helping them out in the morning. Another solid week planned with an interesting weekend at HCG50K.
Tu, 5/19/2015
8 miles easy down the Greenway with 464ft of elevation gain in 59:34
* Started out with good energy. Good call to pass on yesterday. Battled which route to take after last night's storms, but I stayed on the Greenway with a cranky left post-tib. Stopped and stretched it out some, thought I was sub-7:00 pace. Oh well.
We, 5/20/2015
10 mile fartlek around Lake Williams of 8 x 5:00 easy, 3:00 fast with 1,126ft of gain in 1:07:50
* Don't know why I was so anxious for this workout. Think I really want to see improvement from the last time I ran this, and I did have improvement of :03/mile. Worked well. Very hard to run fast on these trails, but getting there. Technical.
Th, 5/21/2015
4 miles draining at Oregon Ridge with 549ft of climb in 33:37
* Had meetings in the morning, that were cancelled, but my guilt made me go in early. By the time I got running, I had nothing. Especially from last night at the Circus, which sucked the life out of us... never again. Hate the interruption.
Fr, 5/22/2015
20km steady around Lake Redman with 1,529ft of elevation in 1:40:48
* Heck of a run, but expected. Yesterday was a waste, so I attempted to go to sleep early to get a good effort going. I started out well, felt totally light, fluid, and on top of my stride. Finished up flying. Fastest I've run all year. 6:00/mile.
Sa, 5/23/2015
8 miles recovery down the Greenway and to Nixon Park with 702ft of gain in 1:04:46
* Not much energy. No soreness, felt good, hit up Geology and Old Field and felt pretty good. Had some knee pain which was interesting, probably from descending and then had right glute failure on the final uphill on Water St. Ugh.
Su, 5/24/2015
13 miles of climbing at Colonel Denning State Park with 2,977ft of gain in 2:06:08
* Absolutely phenomenal. Just what I needed and wanted. Felt like 80lbs of featherweight, but with pure power. Never needed to recover, just kept hammering when I needed to. Great sensations climbing both Cedar Path and Flat Rock. The best was racing the backside connector between paths and the descent down Cedar Path absolutely blasted my quads... minor issues, but definitely ready to race. Just need to get through this week full of energy and optimism.
57 Miles with 7,379ft of Elevation Gain
1 mile shake-out on the Greenway with 45ft of climb in 9:53
* Will save it for tomorrow. A bit too fatigued from yesterday's effort means zero quality today. Felt like staying home with the girls and helping them out in the morning. Another solid week planned with an interesting weekend at HCG50K.
Tu, 5/19/2015
8 miles easy down the Greenway with 464ft of elevation gain in 59:34
* Started out with good energy. Good call to pass on yesterday. Battled which route to take after last night's storms, but I stayed on the Greenway with a cranky left post-tib. Stopped and stretched it out some, thought I was sub-7:00 pace. Oh well.
We, 5/20/2015
10 mile fartlek around Lake Williams of 8 x 5:00 easy, 3:00 fast with 1,126ft of gain in 1:07:50
* Don't know why I was so anxious for this workout. Think I really want to see improvement from the last time I ran this, and I did have improvement of :03/mile. Worked well. Very hard to run fast on these trails, but getting there. Technical.
Th, 5/21/2015
4 miles draining at Oregon Ridge with 549ft of climb in 33:37
* Had meetings in the morning, that were cancelled, but my guilt made me go in early. By the time I got running, I had nothing. Especially from last night at the Circus, which sucked the life out of us... never again. Hate the interruption.
Fr, 5/22/2015
20km steady around Lake Redman with 1,529ft of elevation in 1:40:48
* Heck of a run, but expected. Yesterday was a waste, so I attempted to go to sleep early to get a good effort going. I started out well, felt totally light, fluid, and on top of my stride. Finished up flying. Fastest I've run all year. 6:00/mile.
Sa, 5/23/2015
8 miles recovery down the Greenway and to Nixon Park with 702ft of gain in 1:04:46
* Not much energy. No soreness, felt good, hit up Geology and Old Field and felt pretty good. Had some knee pain which was interesting, probably from descending and then had right glute failure on the final uphill on Water St. Ugh.
Su, 5/24/2015
13 miles of climbing at Colonel Denning State Park with 2,977ft of gain in 2:06:08
* Absolutely phenomenal. Just what I needed and wanted. Felt like 80lbs of featherweight, but with pure power. Never needed to recover, just kept hammering when I needed to. Great sensations climbing both Cedar Path and Flat Rock. The best was racing the backside connector between paths and the descent down Cedar Path absolutely blasted my quads... minor issues, but definitely ready to race. Just need to get through this week full of energy and optimism.
57 Miles with 7,379ft of Elevation Gain