Mo, 6/17/2013
3 mile fail around Patapsco in 25:00
Tu, 6/18/2013
Rest and Dr. Bross ART Treatment on Hip Flexor and Gracilis
We, 6/19/2013
3 miles recovery, touch-and-go, around Ft. McHenry in 19:40
Th, 6/20/2013-6/23/2013
Recover from Injury to Left Hip Flexor
* And so, during the Mount Washington Road Race, I blew out my left hip flexor at 2 miles. This was not an issue I felt in training, and there were no indications it would blow out pre-race, other than a nervous night before, wanting to equally strengthen both hip flexors with a theraband in my B&B room, where I felt the left one seize up a little. However, "when it rains, it pours." I had the most horrible month of my life. Sure, training was 100% amazing, but emotionally, I was destroyed. I happened to be working the sidelines at the 2013 Boston Marathon, taking pictures of participants and spectators for UA, and I left the site of Bomb 1 about 90-minutes before detonation. I arrived home to a bevy of texts, phone calls, and just plain amazement at the tragedy I had averted by wanting to be home earlier since I felt I was done capturing enough "inspiration." I had escaped devastation. I felt blessed. But then, two weeks later, I was the victim of some fierce road race. A moped maniac held me at knife-point for up to 25 minutes in the streets of Baltimore, as I fended for my life. I escaped alive, but traumatized, re-living the encounter each and every day, not able to go to work or step foot on campus. I had escaped harm by using the only weapon at my disposal: my mind. But the damage was done in the violence I experienced. I only got over the event the week of Mount Washington, and perhaps it was not enough time to recover, mentally, for the task at hand, which led to me losing my focus, my form, and over-working my left side on the hill. This has left me injured, but left me in good spirits that I basically walked-in a 66-min performance at Mount Washington, whereas I feel I could have gone 63-minutes. This is a great goal and opportunity for 2014. Alas, now it is time to get 100% healthy in order to prepare properly for the WMRA circuit in Europe.
9 Miles

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