Mo, 6/3/2013
4 miles recovery around Ft. McHenry in 27:03
Tu, 6/4/2013
7 miles recovery around Patapsco in 55:40
We, 6/5/2013
9 miles steady thru Patapsco with 1,765ft elevation gain in 1:19:18
Th, 6/6/2013
8 miles w/ 10', 2 x 5', 5 x 1', 5' hard on Rockburn Branch Loop in 1:04:49
* 6:19, 6:25, 6:11, 6:18, 6:27, 6:34, 6:33, 6:37, 5:14/mi pace... sluggish due to my Road Rage experience yesterday in which I was assaulted and held up a knifepoint, but escaped with my life. THE WIRE. Ugh.
Fr, 6/7/2013
AM: 8 miles recovery on reverse River Rd. with 943ft of climb in 49:58
PM: 4 miles recovery with Perla on New Cut Rd. in 29:16
Sa, 6/8/2013
3 miles downhill, 4 mile blowout in 23:40 up Bonnie Branch in 44:55
Su, 6/9/2013
12 miles steady thru Patapsco North with 2,582ft of elevation gain in 1:37:58
58 Miles

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