Transition to the Roads

Monday, 09-12-2011
8 mile fartlek, including 8 x 3 min fast, 3 min steady in 51:01
* 6:12, 5:38, 5:41, 5:42, 5:39, 5:43, 5:30, 5:41... definitely sore and tired from the weekend's activities, especially a tight right hamstring, but once I would get going on my 3 min pickups, I was moving well. Not tremendously powerful, but a good enough effort to feel good. Tired but getting there. Watched WARRIOR last night with Perla. Great movie, although I can't seem to watch movies anymore, I'm just an emotional wreck!
Tuesday, 09-13-2011
2 miles recovery on Wesley Ln. in 13:38
Wednesday, 09-14-2011
Warm-up, 3 x (5 x 400m) in 74-74-74-74-71, rec. 60"/4 min
* 73.2-74.0-72.8-75.0-70.5, 74.8-73.7-74.1-74.8-70.2, 75.4-74.4-72.9-73.8-70.7
Thursday, 09-15-2011
Friday, 09-16-2011
6 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 39:52
* Avg. 6:45/mile... Just nice and easy, with some pretty sore and heavy upper quads due to Wednesday's workout, which is a good sign. Will work on running hard at least three times per week and then just take chances racing. Weather was brilliant, 65-degrees/40% humidity. Vapor-like run...
Saturday, 09-17-2011
8km easy in 35:17 + 8km in 27:21
* 5:38/mile... Not sure why I'm disappointed in that. I think it's because I wasn't able to get this in before my daughters' soccer games and I was quite tired to start this workout. I could barely break 7-min pace on the easy 8km segment and then switched into my flats, chugged some water and a GU, and headed out to attack the course. Just didn't have anything, except for the final 2 miles, which I really started working well.
Sunday, 09-18-2011
18 miles easy around Patapsco State Park with 2,959 ft. elevation gain in 2:19:48
* 7:51, 10:39, 10:46, 9:18, 9:55, 8:35, 11:08, 8:31, 8:29, 10:22, 8:14, 10:20, 10:18, 6:47, 6:32, 5:57... obviously, Garmin falters in the forest, but a nice run which started with Perla for a mile and then I hit a nice loop in Patapsco and had a pretty strong run throughout. On the roads this would have been 20+ miles, so a strong effort. Right hip was 100% and amazingly my left was tight and sore! Ha.
50 Miles

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