
Monday, 09-05-2011
7 miles total with ERRC Labor Day 5K in 16:37 + 1km (track) in 3:03
* 5:12, 10:29 (5:17), 16:04 (5:35), :30 (avg. 5:21/mile)...
Tuesday, 09-06-2011
10 mile progression (each 2 mile segment faster) in 1:06:52
* 14:52 (7:26/mi), 13:49 (6:54/mi), 13:03 (6:31/mi), 12:54 (6:27/mi), 12:10 (6:05/mi)... not bad, definitely fatigued from yesterday's effort and was running at 6AM this morning to get this in before work and some rainstorms. Some tightness in my right hip area and hammies. But glad I got through it. Good run, mission accomplished.
Wednesday, 09-07-2011
5 miles around Elkridge in 34:05
* 14:29, 13:26, 6:43 (avg. 6:55/mile)... nice, easy and controlled
Thursday, 09-08-2011
9 mile fartlek around Patterson Park with 24 x :40 fast, 1:20 easy in 55:43
* avg. 6:25/mile.. rainstorms cancelled my morning effort and so I had to run during lunch, which was not great. Light rain and was not feeling great at all. A tough run but was amazed at the final pace. Still have to work on body positioning so that I am not stressing my hamstrings so much. Will take more speed work, more time in my flats.
Friday, 09-09-2011
4 miles easy around Elkridge in 29:34
Saturday, 09-10-2011
Odyssey Trail Adventure Half Marathon (13.33M) in 1:37:50
* 7:14, 7:59, 8:48, 8:37, 7:08, 6:23, 6:47, 7:08, 7:08, 6:34, 7:21, 6:32, 7:32, 7:33... 4,390ft elevation gain... absolutely got bombed on the 7M downhill section. I nailed the 3M summit in 1st place, but starting the descent, I got rolled up and spit out quite quickly. Just couldn't confidently run downhill like the winner (1h31')... he just disappeared on me, running sub-5' miles downhill on singletrack. It was amazing to witness. I had a nice mental battle with myself, but ran into sock difficulty and had to stop several times for 30-40 sec to get my socks out of my shoes. It was too rocky, hilly a terrain to keep my socks above my ankles. Good effort. Third-fastest time ever, but got destroyed. No worries.
Sunday, 09-11-2011
6 miles easy with Perla down to Rockburn Branch Park in 45:20
54 Miles

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