Fake It

Monday, 09-19-2011
AM: 4 miles steady out to the Inner Harbor in 26:50
PM: 3 miles easy with Perla around Bellows Spring in 26:08
Tuesday, 09-20-2011
20 min easy + 10 x 200m in :33 with 200m recovery
* 33.9, 36.2, 34.2, 34.2, 34.2, 33.6, 34.1, 35.5, 34.0, 33.7 (avg. 34.3)... messed up in that I only gave myself 50-60 sec for recovery over 200m and it was supposed to be 90 sec, but I misinterpreted my watch and forgot to take away the 200 each time... oh well, made for quite a brisk recovery but tough to switch gears and drop 33's, per my goal. Saw Coach Ward out there and it was great to catch up, quote of the day, "what happened to the days of Rodriguez and Gramsky taking the bull by the horns and leading the NCAA Regional XC races..."
Wednesday, 09-21-2011
8.5 miles variation on treadmill in 80-degrees, 60% humidity wear-test chamber in 58:33
* 6 min warm-up at 7.5mph, then 8.5mph and 4.5% incline every 3 min for 45 sec for entirety of run... great run, great to be part of the wear-testing process. Exciting. Reminded me of USOC Live High, Train Low Project.
Thursday, 09-22-2011
AM: Warm-Up, 5 x 600m + 5 x 400m + 5 x 300m, rec. 90" / 4 min
* 1:56.0-1:53.2-1:52.8-1:53.2-1:44.2, 73.3-72.0-73.7-74.0-66.9, 53.5-54.9-53.4-54.1-48.7... heck of a workout. Was proud I got this in... pretty warm today, 80-degrees, some nice heat and humidity. Was soaked. Knew it was a good workout when my legs were quite heavy on the 300m set and wasn't sure if I could bust a 48, which I did, which was nice. Nailed the workout.
PM: 3 miles easy with Perla around Bellows Spring in 25:19
Friday, 09-23-2011
7.5 miles variation on treadmill wear-test chamber in 50:00
Saturday, 09-24-2011
20 min easy with Perla, 6km in 19:58
* Avg. 5:27/mile... great workout, great improvement from a week ago. Was going to jump into a not-so-local road race, but rains came in and opted for a relaxing morning. My 6km loop is quite hilly, so on flats I think this is close to 5:15/mile on flats. The great part is that I was 100% strong and fluid the entire run on every uphill and downhill, completely in control and my Macca Racers actually felt quite solid. I am on the right track and need to get in as much training as possible in London.
Sunday, 09-25-2011
13 miles steady around Elkridge in 1:24:30
58 Miles

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