
Monday, 08-08-2011
AM: 2.59 miles steady out to Ft. McHenry in 18:10 + Weights
PM: 6.19 miles with 5 x 1200m Trail in 4:29, 4:18, 4:28, 4:22, 4:25 (rec. 2')
* Norris Ln, not recovered from yesterday's 11M race, but no worries, as I was cramming work before tomorrow's surgery. Not sure if I am going to miss any time or if it will be 2-3 days of no running. Will find out at 3PM. Dreadfully hot today and I felt so much better in the AM session. More energy.
Tuesday, 08-09-2011
AM: 7.61 miles steady out to Patterson Park in 50:41
* 7:08, 6:43, 6:44, 6:42, 6:31, 6:34, 6:22 (avg. 6:39/mile)... surprisingly swift.
PM: Nail Surgery
* So, I had a pretty badly infected toenail on my right big toe that needed attention, and ultimately surgery. Should only miss 2-3 days of running, if not less. Surgery went well, no complications.
Wednesday, 08-10-2011-Sunday, 08-14-2011
Recover from Nail Surgery
* Well, I would have to say I have had a complication from nail surgery. My Doc said I should be able to run in 2-3 days, and the wound healed up well. The PROBLEM is that he put in some packing strips to help with infection/healing, and the packing strips are causing a huge issue, like blood pooling in my big toe. Super-painful, and not allowing me to flex my foot, let alone walk normally. After researching the procedure online it seems that 50/50 of doctors use the packing strips (the other's go without), meaning I have to go back on Tuesday (week later) to remove the strips. I feel it's a simple ploy of just getting another appt and more co-pay ,insurance money, but it has ruined my racing schedule for the Fall (TransRockies, Baltimore, US Trail). Ugh, but gotta roll with the punches. Now I will focus on a strong psoas and an XC/Trail season.
16 Miles

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