Getting There

Monday, 08-29-2011
5 mile fartlek with 6 x 2:00 fast, 3:00 easy in 31:09
* 7:49, 6:03, 6:54, 5:25, 6:28, 5:22, 6:32, 5:31, 6:19, 5:22, 6:21, 5:47, 6:17 (avg. 5:35/mi for the 2 min pick-ups)... dead tired, not much sleep last night, waking at 2AM full of business... however, got out there and ended up being great. Kept up a great effort on the easy segments, running six-minute miles mixed with 5:20's, which seem to be my "hard" pace.
Tuesday, 08-30-2011
8 miles progression (each mile faster) up Ilchester in 50:25
* 7:24, 6:44, 6:27, 6:19, 6:04, 5:58, 5:47, 5:40 (avg. 6:12)...that was pretty solid. I had good energy and am feeling light and quick in the mornings. Opted to trek up Ilchester for some mental help on the way back, ended up hitting the turn-around at OLPH and only had minor left leg tightness. My right psoas is getting stronger with my new drills. Thought I got myself in trouble going from 7:24 to 6:44 so quickly and then it was an effort to dip below 5:47 for the last mile, but done. I like it.
Wednesday, 08-31-2011
4+ miles around Rockburn in 29:01
* 7:31, 6:51, 6:48, 6:25, 6:20 (avg. 6:52/mile)... nice and relaxed.
Thursday, 09-01-2011
7 miles with 20 x 200m uphill fartlek in 50:32
* avg. 39"... the great thing about Dellinger is I just put in 5 miles of hill work without even realizing it or thinking. Not great explosion or speed, but great steady strength work. It's a pretty steep hill, so glad to be so consistent. I must have hit  eighteen 39's... anyway, good work, good confidence builder. 
Friday, 09-02-2011
3+ miles easy around Bellows Spring infield in 23:56
Saturday, 09-03-2011
8 mile fartlek up Ilchester with 2 miles easy, 2 miles hard... in 50:10
* 14:20-11:19-13:15-11:14 (avg. 5:38/mile)... bit rough. We enjoyed ourselves last night and woke up early to watch Centrocity race to Bronze and Bolt bolt a 19.40... exciting stuff. Had my shoes on for 2 hours before running and that caused my toes to be cramped during the first effort and that affected my pace. Plus, 300+ft of elevation gain on the pick-ups made it tougher. Had a great segment on my second 2 mile effort, running close to 5-min pace.
Sunday, 09-04-2011
4.5 miles easy with my Wife in Patapsco in 39:16
40 Miles

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