Secret Training

Monday, 08-15-2011
2 mile fartlek with 1:20 easy, :40 fast in 13:04
* 6:36, 6:28...Followed that up with Gym Routine (Squats, Lunges, Dead-Lifts, Side Squats + Upper Body Weights) and Sit-Ups. Forced the run on the bad toe since I go to the doctor tomorrow and don't want to waste any more time.
Tuesday, 08-16-2011
4 miles steady out to Ft. McHenry (x2) in 23:40
* 5:56, 6:13*, 5:40, 5:48 (avg. 5:56/mile)... only had an opportunity to run at 2PM right before the start of the removal of my packing strips from my nail surgery at the podiatrist. Was definitely sore from yesterday's gym session, especially my left hamstring/glute due to attempting lunges on my left leg with the bad right toe. Anyway, was pleased with seeing 5:30's on my watch. Held up well. Right hip flexor made a dull appearance.
Wednesday, 08-17-2011
3 miles easy out to Ft. McHenry in 24:08
Thursday, 08-18-2011
2 mile fartlek with 1:00 easy, :40 fast in 12:27
* 6:26/5:42 (avg. 6:05/mile)... solid fartlek, good quality early in the morning before work.
Friday, 08-19-2011
2 miles easy out to Ft. McHenry with Lannon Grady in 17:18
Saturday, 08-20-2011
2 miles easy, Comus Cross Country 5K+ in 18:08
* 5:34, 11:15 (5:41), 17:15 (6:00)... was able to kick the last .17m on grass in 5:07 pace. Two elite Pacers showed up, so instead of killing myself just opted to run strongly throughout the course, which was a nice mix of open field/grass, technical trail, and rocks. I managed to break-up their sweep, as the Pacer kids went 1-2 in low 17's and then one finished right behind me. Am waiting to find out their bios, but they looked very smooth and fit, so I am pleased to finish that close to them with only one 20-mile week in the books.
Sunday, 08-21-2011
2 miles easy with Perla in 14:45
20 Miles

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