Pre-Season Week 1

Monday, 07-18-2011
6 miles steady around Inner Harbor in 43:30
Tuesday, 07-19-2011
6.15 miles steady out to Rockburn Branch Park in 40:15
* 7:28, 6:54, 6:39, 6:46, 6:31, 5:53 (avg. 6:41/mile pace)... started off walking, definitely tired and fatigued, but decided to run comfortably, just easy and without effort/pain. It's a tough 10km course, so hit the turnaround and started the climb back home. Started opening up nicely on the way home and final mile... still fat, but no worries, am adjusting diet.
Wednesday, 07-20-2011
8.56 miles steady down Beechwood up Bonnie Branch in 58:02
* 7:45, 6:57, 6:49, 6:42, 7:13, 6:43, 6:18, 6:12, 5:55 (avg. 6:46/mile pace)... very nice run, once again, am on Irish time and woke at 5:30AM to get in this run before a stacked day at work. The weather was a beautiful 72-degrees and although I was tired, I put on my new pairs of Charge RC as I had a great initial 6M run with them on Monday. Worked hard last night on my right hip flexor/psoas, so was a bit worried it would be an issue, but these new shoes have such great arch support, I feel more stable and secure with each step. The shoes also warmed up a bit, as although it was still a responsive ride, I was more coordinated (pretty low profile, lowest I have trained in quite some time) and more confident in my stride. Once I got running opted to hit up Bonnie Branch in preparation for TransRockies. It was a very nice two mile steady climb out from Patapsco and I was strong the whole way and then absolutely rolled the final 5km.
Thursday, 07-21-2011
6.07 miles steady around Rockburn Branch Park in 41:00
* 7:46, 6:58, 6:37, 6:42, 6:28, 6:03, 5:55 (avg. pace 6:45/mile)... strong run. Started with Perla and then kept going and felt quite strong in the legs the whole run. It was pretty awesome. Just clicking off the miles, but definitely am looking forward to running 1hr/day and am really going to miss training in the mornings once the school year starts.
Friday, 07-22-2011
7.68 miles with 6 x 4:00 fast, rec. 2:00 moderate on Wesley Ln in 50:00
* 15:00 easy, 6 x 4:00 paces (5:38-5:23-5:30-5:13-5:37-5:20)... alright, it's a start. Ran this workout in the Charge RCs (love 'em) and in 85-degree heat wave. Yesterday was 103-degrees with 118-degree Heat Index. Today it is expected to top 120-degrees in Heat Index. Anyway, I was really looking forward to this workout. Am still a bit heavy (132lbs) and soft, but that will come down with a revised diet once my parents leave (too much good wine, good food). Attacked as best I could in the heat (76-dew point), but muscularly have been feeling pretty good and today was no exception. Strong, full of energy, attacking. Only weak right glute, but didn't effect me. Was pleased to see sub-5:15 pace
Saturday, 07-23-2011
15.19+ miles steady around Elkridge with 1,502 ft elevation gain in 1:52:02
* 7:49, 7:04, 7:03, 7:12, 6:25, 6:21, 10:17*, 10:00*, 8:47, 6:40, 6:43, 6:58, 6:43, 6:33, 6:09 (avg. pace 7:22/mile)... once again, lost signal (*) in Patapsco, but my new strategy is to run the distance on the Garmin, even if it means I covered closer to 16 miles today. Goal was 25km and almost hit it, temps were in the 80's at 6AM due to this crazy heat wave. Legs were definitely fried from yesterday's effort, but was glad I ran the effort. Some aches and pains, but nothing too concerning. Ran in the Charge RC's... good run.
Sunday, 07-24-2011
35 min easy with Perla on the Appalachian Trail
* Great mini-vacation with my parents at Horsefields in Upperville, VA... noted that the Appalachian Trail was only minutes from our door, so we drove out there and what a mistake. I had tremendously tired legs and ended up severely spraining my ankle. Screw my Maryland A-T quest in the Fall. The trail is too rocky and slow.
54 Miles

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