
Monday, 06-27-2011
6 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 39:58
Tuesday, 06-28-2011
6.5 miles steady around M&M Loop in 42:43
Wednesday, 06-29-2011
Work in Raleigh NC
Thursday, 06-30-2011
AM: 4.5 miles easy in Raleigh NC in 33:13
PM: 7.5 miles steady around Patapsco in 52:58
Friday, 07-01-2011
10 min easy, 3 x 2400m in 8:22, 8:19, 8:26 with 90" rest, 10 min easy
* Opted to run my workout today, go long tomorrow and then long again on Monday. Last time, I ran 7 x 1200m on Norris Ln and today wanted to extend that effort. Right from the start, my left hamstring was tight due to yesterday's impromptu double. However, I came through the first rep in 4:10, whereas in my 1200m session, my first was 4:22! Finished in 8:22 for that rep quite pumped. Second one hit 4:05 through the 1200m, but on the third one I was depleting quite a bit from the hammy and 88-degree heat. I started the 4th, but pulled the plug, not wanting to jeopardize the race. Anyway, a great jump in fitness in a single week which I think has a lot to do with Avon, CO, and my 3 mile climb at 12,000ft.
Saturday, 07-02-2011
17 miles easy in Patapsco in 2:02:04
Sunday, 07-03-2011
AM: 4 miles easy with Gustavo around Elkridge in 29:28
PM: 5.5 miles steady around Rockburn Branch Park in 36:29
58 Miles

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