Full Week

Video Footage/Race Report

Monday, 07-25-2011
7.14 miles with 6 x 5:00 fast, 2:00 recovery up and down Fort Hwy in 49:56
* 5-min easy, 5:38-5:47-5:29-5:27-5:38-5:34... 91-degrees, 101-Heat Index... crazy.. I definitely over-heated so will be interesting to check my splits when I get home. I did see sub-5:50's, so the effort was much poorer than last week, but at least my left ankle held up well after thinking it was destroyed yesterday. Should be an interesting week of training.
Tuesday, 07-26-2011
8.21 miles completely fried (mentally) out to Patterson Park in 56:24
* 7:09, 7:07, 7:04, 7:00, 6:54, 6:56, 6:35, 6:14 (avg. pace 6:52/mile)... absolutely surprising. It was 96-degrees and I had just finished up a brutal day at the office 8AM-5PM of intense presentations and meetings that left me completely fried. The presentation used up all my nervous reserves and energy, but I was amazed to see sub-7:00 miles when I felt I was jogging over 8:00 miles. Good sign of fitness, as I basically walked this run and yet it was a good run.
Wednesday, 07-27-2011
AM: 2.88 miles easy out to Ft. McHenry in 20:06 + Weights
* 7:11, 7:01, 6:42 (avg. pace 6:59/mile)... just an easy aerobic run for mileage and hit the weights
PM: Warm-Up, HCS Summer Sizzler 5M in 29:28
* 5:46, 5:31, 5:53, 6:16, 6:15 (avg. pace 5:56/mile)...placed 2nd to Karsten Brown in this glorified tempo run. Just went out easy on a course with 354ft of elevation gain, but opted for T6's and it was a mistake. My ankle is still weak and so my left leg stopped working after 1.5 miles and I struggled mightily on the downhills and uphills. Oh well. Sucked.
Thursday, 07-28-2011
9.08 miles steady out to Patterson Park in 57:49
* 6:49, 6:38, 6:31, 6:41, 6:14, 6:26... lost satellite, but actually had a pretty solid run despite yesterday's efforts. Weather didn't help as it was a brutal 92 (95h-i) with absolutely no coverage on the concrete streets of Baltimore. Hammys were a bit tight, but thankfully the left calf loosened up and felt pretty good. Hot as hell.
Friday, 07-29-2011
AM: 2.64 miles easy out to Ft. McHenry in 18:48 + Weights
* 7:25, 6:57, 6:58 (avg. 7:08/mile)... nice and easy, would've been 35-min but Ft. McHenry is still blocked off
PM: HCS Friday Night Lights XC 5K (3.24 mi) in 17:52 CR
* 6:11, 5:54... (passed through 2 miles in 11:28)... what a crazy XC course, which was half a trail run. Over 100 high school kids showed up, as well as the local Univ of Maryland and UMBC college kids. Race temps were over 102-degrees, so they postponed the race 20 min to make it cooler. After jogging on the course, I figured I would go out in sub-5:00 pace to enter the trails first. So, after blasting the first 300m (with the college kids joking at how hard I was going out), I entered the trail in 3rd but worked hard to regain the lead on a long uphill and kept pressing to get distance from the college guys. Once I broke into the open grass, I kept 5:10ish effort and then we entered some back trails. I started feeling the effort in the heat and humidity but I felt I was good enough away. I was being chased, but I pressed the open field once more to get myself some distance entering the final trail section. I crashed pretty hard, but knew the guys behind me would have to work tremendously hard to catch me and with the heat, there was no way. I finished in sub-4:40 pace for the final 300m, which was solid. All in the Charge RC. My first win in the XC Series, but if this was open and flat, I would have lost. Used my experience and toughness on this one. Need to get fitter, fast. Ended up winning by over a minute, which was sweet over a 5km XC course. Just dominated.
Saturday, 07-30-2011
8.86 miles easy down Patapsco to Ilchester with 850ft gain in 1:14:16
* 8:06, 8:42, 10:35, 7:54, 6:32, 9:46, 8:14, 7:54, 7:35 (avg. pace 8:23/mile).. .super slow trail (Cascade), but I needed the recovery, however, I am hating trails lately. I am wanting speed and power. However, my hamstrings have been tight since my drills on Wednesday, so I need the recovery. Finished up well. Tomorrow is big.
Sunday, 07-31-2011
16.17 miles hilly around Elkridge with 1,166ft of gain in 1:48:39
* 7:24, 6:56, 7:00, 6:56, 6:16, 6:51, 6:42, 7:17, 6:47, 6:36, 6:40, 6:54, 6:20, 6:20, 6:23, 6:07, 6:06 (avg. 6:43/mile)... I am definitely in my cocoon phase. I was so uncoordinated to start, unable to place one foot in front of the other, no power, my hamstrings tight and I just couldn't run. I must have stopped  a half dozen times to stretch out and compose myself, and then, on a nasty descent down College Ave, my muscles finally awoke and I could run. This was at the 10-11 mile mark. I then attacked a 6:20 uphill and kept it rolling, although by the end I was craving some water and pilfered some from a rubbery hose and took a GU. Anyway, finished up with great pace and energy. Still a crappy run.
66 Miles

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