Spring Break

Monday, 04-18-2011
AM: 3 miles easy around Sylvan Beach in 22:31
PM: 8 miles easy around Jenkins Park with Rudy in 58:21
Tuesday, 04-19-2011
10' easy + Drills + 6 x 800m in 2:27, 2:25, 2:27, 2:27, 2:28, 2:28, 2:30
* 2 min recovery... jogged to the track with my wife at like 10 min/mi pace with a torn hammy and a bum ankle. Decided to do 2 sets of drills and then line up for an attempt at the 800s with Plan A in 2:30 and Plan B in cut-down. Felt decent during the drills with moderate power so lined up and ran the first one thinking I was gonna run a 2:45. Ran 2:27. I was committed. After hitting 2:25 in the same effort as the previous one, I knew I couldn't cut-down today and went for avg. 2:30 for the workout and nailed it. Upper body was holding me back, just dead tired arms and shoulders. Legs were great.
Wednesday, 04-20-2011
AM: 3 miles starting with Perla around Sylvan Beach in 21:51
PM: 7 miles easy with Rudy at Jenkins Park in 49:46
Thursday, 04-21-2011
AM: 3 miles easy around Sylvan Beach in 20:27
PM: 7 miles steady with Rudy at Jenkins in 47:14 + 6 x Strides
Friday, 04-22-2011
10 min warm-up, Drills, 2 x 1600m (r. 800m) + 800m (r. 400m) + 2 x 400m (r. 400m)
* 4:51, 4:53 + 2:20 + 67.97, 67.53... super windy backstretch, this was basically a fartlek. I ran tremendously hard into the wind, continued to work with the wind and completed the workout. I am very concerned about my ankle. Although it doesn't hurt running fast, it is painful. Just a high ankle sprain. Such a bummer that one misstep during the 50 KM can cause such an injury post-race. Ugh.
Saturday, 04-23-2011
Sunday, 04-24-2011
14 miles steady in Patapsco in 1:45:19
* Absolutely horrible. Had just finished up the 1,400 mile drive from Houston to Baltimore, rested for an hour and then headed out to the trail in pretty hot and humid temps, as storm was moving in at 3PM. I felt fine for about 40-minutes and then it was miserable. My right ankle was 100% at the start, but then fatigued and got achy. Probably not the best decision to run on muddy trails with a high ankle sprain, but oh well. Just glad I got the effort in, although I could have used a full day of rest.
58 Miles

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