Out of the Office

Monday, 04-04-2011
15' easy, 8 x 600m in 1:53, 1:53, 1:50, 1:50, 1:52, 1:47, 1:49, 1:49 with 200m jog
* Great dedication and creativity. Had to fly out to Denver so I opted to work out on this track near BWI. First warm day of Spring (70's) and quite windy on the backstretch, but I finally got going (goal was 1:52) on the third one, as I was a bit tired from the past couple of days (15 x 300m and 2hrs), but this was great. 1:47 was shirtless. I was so tempted to jump the steeple pit, as it was set with water but at the women's height, but I was tired from the workout and didn't want to risk anything. May have to go cold turkey for Saturday.
Tuesday, 04-05-2011
7 miles around the Mile High Loop in City Park in Denver, CO (5,280ft) in 51:51
* Denver is beautiful. I made the sacrifice to wake up early on the day of my presentation and headed out towards City Park. Pretty flat, but I could feel some of the altitude. The loop was beautiful, especially when I hit the north side of the park and returned south, you could really see the Rockies on the horizon. Great recovery run. Nice and easy.
Wednesday, 04-06-2011
AM: 6 miles out to Memorial Park in 43:56 + 6 x 20" strides
PM: 3 miles easy around Memorial Park in 21:19 + Drills
Thursday, 04-07-2011
AM: 3 miles progressive around Memorial Park in 19:48
PM: 5 miles total with Tour de Bayou 3M in 14:53
Splits - 7:13/7:40... CR was 16:07 by Luis Armenteros, and he happened to show up. It was great seeing him, but I felt I had a mental advantage in that the last time we raced over 2 miles XC, I defeated him. However, this was a really relaxed atmosphere, I was deadly tired from all my travels and work and it was quite humid. The course was ridiculous, a roller coaster up and down the hills of Spotts Park where Sean and Luis worked out for their hills - Cloverleaf. I opted for spikes and didn't get a chance to warm-up. The race started directly up a 30% grade, so Lou and I worked together, but as soon as we hit the flats I injected some pace and rolled the downhills and continued to push the flats and the climbs. I got some breathing room before the end of the first loop and then it was just a matter of holding it together in the humidity and staying upright on the descents and just working the uphills. Tough race and finished well. Really exhausting and it was great to hang out after with Luis and John and Rudy. I think Lou ran about 15:50.
Friday, 04-08-2011
6 miles recovery around Memorial Park in 48:34
Saturday, 04-09-2011
20 min progression + 1200m in 3:41, 800m in 2:23, 400m in 66.09 (rec. 400m)
* A very simple workout today. My right foot under my big toe was still bothersome from the effort on Thursday, but after attempting to jump some hurdles, I just put on my spikes and attacked the workout, which was not a challenge. I could have run another two sets, but I am not complaining because my foot is bruised. Windy, 45-degrees.
Sunday, 04-10-2011
18 mile progression around Patapsco Park in 1:57:49
* Tons of strength and felt great out there. I was able to attack any hill I wanted and control my descents. The only problem is that as I have been transitioning to speed, I have neglected to take in fluids and/or calories. So, the last 15-minutes are quite rough, close to cramping, but hit 5:09 for that final split.
58 Miles

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