Driving Out

Monday, 04-11-2011
AM: 3 miles around Ft. McHenry in 21:16 + Drills
PM: 20 min easy, 2 x (6 x 400m) with 200m/800m jog in 68 (1st Set), 66 (2nd Set)
* 70.54-68.93-69.54-68.43-68.91-69.41 (avg. 69.29), 66.61-66.87-68.02-67.22-67.88-68.53 (avg. 67.52)... that was tough. Was still feeling the weekend in my legs, especially yesterday's 2hr progression in which I got tight the final miles from depletion/dehydration. Mechanically was pretty sound. Only a tad weak in the right glute and left knee. However, some great work, especially with the nasty wind on the backstretch. Was really rolling with wind at my back. Good form.
Tuesday, 04-12-2011
Wednesday, 04-13-2011
9 miles hilly around Ellicott City in 1:03:15
Thursday, 04-14-2011
15 min easy, 5 x 1200m in 3:53, 3:49, 3:49, 3:53, 3:51, rec. 400m jog
* Roanoke VA... found a nice 6-lane concrete high school track within jogging distance from the hotel and in crisp 49-degree weather, knocked out a great workout. Really cruised and never pushed and just rolled really well, improving quite a bit from the last time I ran this workout (four reps). Great dedication.
Friday, 04-15-2011
7 miles easy with Rudy at Jenkins Park in 50:05 + Drills
Saturday, 04-16-2011
Hog's Hunt 50 KM in 3:34:31 CR
* 1:48:54 / 1:45:35... Absolutely magical day out there today. Convinced my wife at the last minute to enter her first 50 KM, and in the process, convinced me to join her. We had just driven 23 hours from Maryland to Texas and only had a few hours of sleep after a night of fiesta with her family, my in-laws, and my 16 nieces and nephews. And so, we drove the 1hr+ at 4AM to hit the race in time. The first 30 min was run with a headlamp, my first experience in darkness on a trail, and I was feeling uncoordinated thanks to sitting on my @ss for three days. Anyhow, I worked into the lead by the first aid station and had a 30-sec gap on second place heading into the 7.5 mile aid station. I was still running comfortably finishing up the first loop in 1:49, which put me right on record pace, which I had no interest in pursuing as my # 1 goal was to be able to run my track workout on Monday. However, I started thinking that 30-min in darkness... I should be able to naturally cover that distance a bit quicker and found myself up on the CR by 1-min at the first aid station on the 2nd loop, but I was feeling horrible. My right hammy was tight, I couldn't get full extension nor full power and I started doubting I could even finish. And then, at 21 miles, my body just clicked. Step after step I started running more and more effortlessly, until I was cruising well below 6:15/mile pace even on the uphills. It was amazing. For the next 80-min all I could do was revel at the fact that I was crushing the back half of the course in record pace, and muscularly I wasn't fatiguing in the slightest. I could have pressed much much harder, but I was just taking it in, completely satisfied that I would break the 8-year CR, but by how much who knows. At the final aid station, 2.8 miles from the finish, I took my final GU and wanted to work it but still relaxed and crushed it the final mile comfortably to win in 3:34.. a CR by 8-minutes. Better yet, I finished like I could have run a complete 50 Miler. Today was my day for 50M. I think i could've run under 5:45 today if I just extended it and was tempted to ask the RD how I could add on distance, but it would have been for naught. Anyway, my time will come, and not to get greedy. This was just great, and a great decision to race. By the way, my wife was leading, got lost and still ran 4:36 to place second in her debut. A great day with a great wife and some much needed alone time.
Sunday, 04-17-2011
Rest & Recovery
65 Miles

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