"I-I-I Like It"

Sunday, 08-01-2010
AM: 6.5 miles steady around opposite M&M Loop in 42:41, last .9 miles in 5:17
PM: 6.5 miles easy around M&M Loop in 44:23, last .9 miles in 5:38
Monday, 08-02-2010
AM: 3 x 3km, rec. 3 min in 10:20, 10:04, 10:08
PM: 4 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 28:35
Tuesday, 08-03-2010
12 miles easy thru Rockburn onto Morning Choice Trail in 1:21:10
Wednesday, 08-04-2010
AM: 8 miles steady thru Rockburn Park in 53:59 + strides
PM: 10km easy around Ft. McHenry in 43:09
Thursday, 08-05-2010
AM: 15' warm-up, 6 x 800m, 2 min in 2:20, 2:26, 2:14, 2:25, 2:15, 2:28
PM: 4 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 28:39
Friday, 08-06-2010
Scheduled Rest, ended up with 102-degree fever
Saturday, 08-07-2010
4 miles easy in Patapsco in 26:03
66 Miles

* Well, I am off to a good start... very dedicated, including knocking out my 12-miler this morning. I was impressed with my 3 x 3km effort. The course is quite hilly and challenging and right now I am aerobically strong, however, I think I am missing power, which will be addressed on Thursday with an 800m session. However, I shouldn't be too concerned as a couple of weeks ago I was able to hit 64's in the middle of a 400m workout. Looks like I may be able to hit up Rock 'n' Roll Virginia, which, honestly, I have never heard anything positive about, but it's either that or New Haven. Also, I may challenge myself this weekend, but I'm not sure. Will check on the weather.

* Definitely coming around. I hammered this morning's 6 x 800m session and had that familiar (well, haven't felt it in a couple of years) strain in the stomach, like lactic acid building up to the point of sickness, but it was great, and it was always on the even repeats, as I had to climb quite a steep climb every initial 400m or so. 2:14 was a pleasant surprise, but I was rolling. My 4-mile recovery run I simply floated along and felt the best I have in quite some time. I think I have ruled out this weekend's 50K to stay on schedule.

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