I Can't Go Any Further Than This

Sunday, 07-24-2010
AM: 6.5 miles steady around M&M Loop in 41:25, last .9 in 4:57 (153/173HR)
PM: 6.5 miles easy around M&M Loop in 43:38, last .9 in 5:19 (144/160HR)
Monday, 07-25-2010
AM: 4 x 1 mile (road/hills), rest 2 min in 5:06, 4:49, 5:03, 4:51
PM: 4 miles easy out to Ft. McHenry (x2) in 29:14
Tuesday, 07-26-2010
11 miles easy, Ilchester down Landing around back in 1:11:42
Wednesday, 07-27-2010
AM: 8 miles steady through Rockburn Park in 52:12
PM: 10km easy around Ft. McHenry in 42:07
Thursday, 07-28-2010
6.5 miles easy around M&M Loop in 43:23
Friday, 07-29-2010
8 mile fartlek, after 25:30, 20 x 30s, 30s for 51:14 total
Saturday, 07-30-2010

16 miles steady down Bonnie Branch into Patapsco in 1:37:48
last 4.5 miles in 26:42, last .9 miles in 5:08

80 Miles

* Am starting out on the wrong foot, as my travels in Mexico have weakened my piriformis again and I am battling the quad strain sensation. However, I hope to be overly aggressive with my drills to counter this and hopefully resolve the issue. This has worked in the past and will hope it works now. Tomorrow will be an interesting test as the quad is definitely fatigued and tight.

* First great run back on today's 8-miler... felt effortless, yet working. A great run. Looks like the piriformis will make it through the week. Today is my last double of the week and then I am in the clear for an 80-mile week, highest in quite some time. Good stuff. Also found out that I am being inducted into my high school's (Columbus-Miami) Athletic Hall of Fame alongside the likes of Brian Griese and Alonzo Highsmith. Quite an honor and on the evenining of the Baltimore Marathon! Hopefully I will be able to celebrate two successes- a sub-2h30' Marathon and the induction!

* Alright, I have been pretty darn tired towards the end of the week, just completely fatigued. However, I redeemed myself a little bit this morning as I improved my CR on my 8-mile course by a full minute, thanks in large part to the 20 x 30s/30s fartlek. Anyway, some rest this weekend should get me back on track. Still debating on the Dahlgren 50K.

* I absolutely crushed my long run today (16M). It was as if I was running my 6.5 mile M&M Loop with the type of aggression and control. The legs just felt fabulous today except for my right glute towards the end, but I ran 26:42 for my last 4.5 miles (5:56 pace) which is mostly uphill, so probably close to 5:30 effort for the final leg of the run with a 5:08 last .9 miles. Will keep this going...

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