Skyline Challenge

Monday, 07-05-2010
6.5 miles steady opposite M&M Loop (94F) in 41:56, last .9 in 5:12
Tuesday, 07-06-2010
10 miles steady around Landing Rd. in 1:05:04, last .9 in 5:21
Wednesday, 07-07-2010
AM: 6.5 miles recovery around M&M Loop in 44:03, last .9 miles in 5:25
PM: Warm-up, 20 x 400m alternating laps with Perla in 26:52
68.05 (85), 65.57 (90), 68.35 (94), 64.28 (92), 68.45 (96),
70.75 (95), 67.79 (96), 70.61 (96), 73.18 (91), 68.71
Thursday, 07-08-2010
10km recovery around Ft. McHenry in 42:20
Friday, 07-09-2010
6.5 miles recovery around M&M Loop in 43:06, last .9 miles in 5:12
Saturday, 07-10-2010
Aborted Skyline Challenge 50K in 43:47
Sunday, 07-11-2010
18 miles at Patapsco on 2:05:39 with good efforts
64 Miles
* Alright, I have had some great training ever since returning from Quito and it came to a halt this morning, as I was exhausted on my 6.5M loop. However, I took it as it came and just relaxed, worked on my form, and enjoyed the run as much as I could. We are in the midst of a heat wave (105-degrees yesterday) and tonight at 7PM we have a 5M Relay, split between two runners, so Perla and I will be teaming up to knock out 10 x 400m each. I am aiming for 69's, but will settle for anything faster than Marathon Pace, while who knows what Perla is capable... I am thinking 90's for the latter half. Should be fun, but hot!

* Alright, so Perla and I rolled out 26:52, which was solid. Now, the challenge is recovery, as my hip flexors are trashed. My splits were so varied because it depended on the leg and who I could challenge. So, the 64 came when the top team (two college guys that went out in 61 for the first rep) synched up with me... I hawked him down on the backstretch and put it to him in the last 150m and that was cool... other times I was relaxed (thinking of 50K), and others I was challenging. I felt so great, so smooth, so strong. However, now my hip flexor/quads are trashed and I have 31 miles tomorrow morning. I am wearing my compression shorts and crossing my fingers they improve 100% before race-time. Oh well, here we go... will race in the UA Macca Racers.

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