Motherly Vacation

Monday, 07-27-2009
46 Min. down to 6:15 pace with Rudy at Seabrook (7M)
Tuesday, 07-28-2009
12 Min. Warm-Up, 6 x 8 Min. (2300m) at 5:25/Mile (6 Min. Recovery)
7:59, 7:45, 7:42, 7:43, 7:50, 7:48 for 95 Min. Total Running (12M)
Wednesday, 07-29-2009
AM: 73 Min. recovery on the Seabrook Trails (11M)
PM: 45 Min. recovery with Rudy at Jenkins Park (6M)
Thursday, 07-30-2009
57 Min. Fartlek 6 Min. Off - 2 Min. On at Seabrook (9M)
Friday, 07-31-2009
AM: 73 Min. steady out to the Kemah Bridge (11M)
PM: Rest, Breaking Down
Saturday, 08-01-2009
Sick, 102-Degree Fever
Sunday, 08-02-2009
56 Miles

* Well, that week fell to pieces thanks to a viral infection passed on by my nephews. Just competely devastated and confined to bed rest. Absolutely brutal, as I had been running so well and was feeling very, very motivated (but tired). The weather has not been helpful. Looking forward to regaining my strength and building some rhythm again.

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