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Monday, 07-20-2009
47:27 easy with Jake, Kurt, and Ariga at Mt. Creek (7M)
Tuesday, 07-21-2009
12 Min., 2 x 16 Min. (4800m) at 5:24/mile (rec. 7') ~ 8M
16:01 (11:45/4:16), 16:28 (12:07/4:21)
Wednesday, 07-22-2009
57:09 at steady around Bothell (9M)
Thursday, 07-23-2009
AM: 43:21 hilly around Bothell High (7M)
PM: 47:40 easy with Justin at Cougar Mtn. (7M)
Friday, 07-24-2009
58:20 steady around Allen Parkway Loop (9M)
Saturday, 07-25-2009
57:53 rough depletion around the Seabrook Trails (8M)
Sunday, 07-26-2009
1:12:00 depletion around River Oaks Loop (10M)
65 Miles

* Alright, so training has been somewhat interrupted, as I have been flown off to Seattle, WA, for a major penultimate round of interviews for the prestigious Footwear Product Line Manager position at Brooks. So, two completely full days of travel to the West Coast have thrown a monkey wrench into the training, but I am impressed with my dedication and consistency. I have not missed much training at all, and am on pace for another 80+ mile week, if all goes well. Tomorrow will be a challenge, traveling back East trying to fit in the run before I make it home at Memorial Park. Anyway, the interviews went really well, so we shall see what transpires and if I will be moving out to Seattle in the near future.

* Hmm, completely fell apart at the end of the week. Had a great run upon arrival from Seattle, but completely depleted come Saturday and Sunday. My long run was embarrassing, I just could not run a step. Tough, tough end to the week. Will rest on Monday and hopefully attack a great workout at Dad's Field on Tuesday.

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