Big Drive, Big Race

Sunday, 02-01-2009
New Orleans Mardi Gras Half Marathon in 1:25:36
6M in 40:03 (6:40 pace) + 7.1M in 45:32 (6:24 pace) ~ 14M
Monday, 02-02-2009
1 hr 29:28 moderate out to Kemah and Back (windy!) ~ 13M
Tuesday, 02-03-2009
2 hr 21:02 around Huntsville State Park with Chad ~ 21M
Wednesday, 02-04-2009
1 hr 29:14 moderate out to Kemah and Back (windy) ~ 13M
Thursday, 02-05-2009
47:01 easy around Norbuck Park ~ 7M
Friday, 02-06-2009
1 hr 10:04 easy out to the Kemah Bridge ~ 11M
Saturday, 02-07-2009
20 min moderate + Buffalo Wallow XC 6K in 19:21.4, CR
87 Miles

Sunday, 02-08-2009
1 hr regeneration on the Seabrook Trails ~ 8M
Monday, 02-09-2009
59:45 moderate out to the Kemah Bridge ~ 9M

* I am really rolling right now in my runs.. feeling healthy and recovered. I am however, still a bit sick, but getting better. The 90-min runs seem to have awoken my fueling system and opened my strides. I feel very fluid and fit, even though I am not very fit (no workouts), but if I can get 8-10 weeks of this training, I will be ready to roll in Boston. Need to stay focused on the little things, like sit-ups and proper nutrition and rest, but hopefully that will improve as my work schedule improves.

Also, got my blood work back... seems I am fighting an infection as my WBC count is quite high. Hemoglobin (15.7) and Hematocrit (44) was disappointingly low, but oh well, I won't be buying an altitude tent any time soon...

Hell of a race... my warm-up felt completely terrible, like I was over-heating and/or just feeling miserable - breathing was heavy, I had nothing. Anyway, by the time I do some strides, I am feeling strong. The field includes Rudy, Collin Carrol (fresh off his 2:30 Marathon), Jose Lara, and then the infamous John Hedengren shows up, so I know the race is on!

I take it out relaxed, following Carrol and Hedengren up the first monster climb. I notice that John powers up it while Colin runs up it more relaxed. I opt for a medium effort. We hit the flats and already my left hammy is rebelling... no way! It loosens up on the downhill and then I chase John up the 2nd major climb and then take the lead at the crest, noticing his weakness. I push a little on the backside and down the homestretch, but note that Colin has not been gapped. We hit the first of three 2k loops in about 6:40.. I want to take off, and I do up the monster climb of the course. Instantly I gain 20m on Hedengren and Carrol and the rest is history. I continue to work hard, battle the fatigue and the heat, and enjoy my great running form throughout the rest of the race in a surprise 19:21.4 CR time. Pre-race, I learned that Luis's 19:26 from 2008 was on a "short" course, so I am very, very pleased...

Now I am getting sick, perhaps just allergies, and need to get over it soon in prep for Boston.

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