Working Conflict

Sunday, 1-11-2008
1:38:07 moderate around Memorial Park with Chad ~ 15M
Monday, 1-12-2008
AM: 47:51 easy around the Seabrook Trails ~ 7M
PM: 47:15 steady to Morgan's Point ~ 7M
Tuesday, 1-13-2008
AM: 2 mile warm-up, Workout Cancelled due to Weather (Wind) ~ 2M
PM: Work
Wednesday, 1-14-2008
25 min warm-up, ~ 7M
2 x 2000m in 6:06, 6:06, rec. 4' jog, (Rest 10 min)
2 x 400m in 67.26, 66.75 rec. 1:30
Thursday, 1-15-2008
1 hr 08:06 min easy around the Seabrook Trails ~ 10M
Friday, 1-15-2008
41:34 easy around Sylvan Beach ~ 6M
Saturday, 1-17-2008
55:31 steady around the Seabrook Trails ~ 8M
62 Miles

* Am working the Houston Marathon Expo from Thu-Sat, so a down week in terms of mileage and doubles, but will look for some good quality. The 400's after the 2k's will be a challenge, and running the 15km tempo under 5:45 pace will also be challenging. Let's go!

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