Planning Ahead to the Unknown Seattle

Monday, 5-12-2008
AM: 1 hr 06'38" down the West Trail ~ 10M
PM: 51'23" easy out-and-back on Kennesaw Mtn. ~ 8M
Tuesday, 5-13-2008
AM: 30 min easy around Marietta High School ~ 4M
PM: 20 min warm-up,
ATC All-Comers Mile, 4:27.22 & 5000m, 15:43.02
Wednesday, 5-14-2008
AM: Travel to Seattle
PM: 41'23" easy up Eastlake in Seattle ~ 6M
Thursday, 5-15-2008
1 hr 04'50" easy around Downtown Seattle ~ 9M
Friday, 5-16-2008
18 min easy + 2 sets of 6 x 100m in 15" recovery 17" (5 min)
ran on grass field in park + 18 min jog home ~ 6M
Saturday, 5-17-2008
46'08" moderate down Eastlake ~ 7M
Sunday 5-18-2008
20 min warm-up, Beat the Bridge 8K in 25:04.1
15:21, 20:13 (4:52), 4:52
72 Miles

* And so I planned to bypass tonight's All-Comer meet in favor of a stimulating workout, but sure enough, the running gods are against me. I showed up at the track and the Presidential Fitness Test was in progress, meaning no use of the track. Argh. Will try and run sub-4:27 tonight and then hang on for a sub-15:25, 5000m if possible.

* Alright, a solid showing. Once again, there were a bazillion heats in the 800m for children, which threw off my warm-up. And so, getting to the line just flat out tired, I knew we were out too easy, passing 400m in 68"... some kid took off, I followed, we hit 800m in 2:15 and then proceeded to hit 1200m in 3:22 before I was able to finish up strongly in a 65" for the 4:27... would have liked to have been pushed, as I think I could have approached 4:20 tonight, which would have been nice. After a quick 25-30 minutes waiting for the 5000m, I was quite tired, but lined up, and started off on 5:00 pace. Hit right at 5-flat, then not so sure for the rest. I ran a really strong 5-9 laps to break things open and then sort've held on, as my right leg was just beat. However, I had a strong last 800m for the win.

* Gotta take it. Saturday, Brooks rented out Qwest Field and we played football and soccer all day, with tons of drills, sprints, and competitions. And so, I awoke tremendously sore and in pain, and I never loosened up in the race. My right hamstring/quad was weak and it was a disappointment. I was running comfortably and was within contact of Sayenko throughout the race, but I just had no energy to make a move, cover the gap, and contend for the win. I am actually pleased with this performance, as I had to beat this Brooks guy at the end over the last 3 miles and I ran 4:52, 4:52 (9:48) for my last two miles to clinch 7th place. Good work.

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