Another Chapter in Life

Monday, 5-26-2008
20 min easy + Mercedes Benz Cotton Row 10K in 33'11"
5'17", 10'34" (5'16"), 16'15" (5'41"), 21'40" (5'25"),
26'53" (5'13"), 32'08" (5'14"), 1'03"
Tuesday, 5-27-2008
41'13" easy around Marietta with Dave ~ 6M
Wednesday, 5-28-2008
AM: 1 hr 06'59" moderate lost in Marietta ~ 10M
PM: 45'39" easy around Kennesaw Mtn. ~ 7M
Thursday, 5-29-2008
Move to Houston
Friday, 5-30-2008
AM: 44'44" down to Morgan's Point ~ 7M
PM: 1 hr 00'18" easy on the Seabrook Trails ~ 9M
Saturday, 5-31-2008
AM: 40 min warm-up, 10 x 400m, rec. 1'
66"-64"-65"-66"-66"-67"-67"-67"-68"-68" (Avg. 66")
PM: 40 min easy, 3 x 2200y, rec. 4'
6'40" - 6'34" - 6'47"
Sunday, 6-01-2008
57'38" regeneration around Seabrook Trails ~ 8M
75 Miles

* Alright, a pretty difficult race, but a great race given the situation of moving my apartment the night before, which equated to an ultra. Last year I went out 5:10 through the Mile, but was only able to follow with a 5:22. This year I hit 5:17 and 5:16. Last year, 3 Miles passed in 16:18, whereas this year I was :03 quicker in 16:15, and :04 quicker up the monstrous climb, 5:41 to 5:45. Thanks to my recent hill work, I was able to follow the climb with a 5:21 mile, instead of the 5:35 from 2007. However, in 2007 I was chasing a female down the hills and blitzed 5:09 compared this year's left quad battle of 5:13, but was able to close in 5:14, whereas last year I ran 5:21 to finsh up. This year I remeber hearing a 1-Mile to Go split at 28:03 so that put me at 5:08 for the last true mile, which I will take. However, I was definitely unable to perform to my ability due to the move and fatigue.

* Well, we drove what ended up being 14 hours to La Porte and tonight we need to unload the truck after a run in 92-degree weather. On my last run in Kennesaw Mountain, it was like the mountain was punishing me, as I wickedly twisted my left ankle on a root, thankfully not ripping apart my ankle, but the residual pain is a torn up IT band on that side that is spasming. Oh well. I will cancel this weekend's race, and just get some solid training before heading to Mexico for the 5000m on the track. That is the goal for now, and to get my car fixed.

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